Great races, classes, options and advice! Exactly what one has come to expect from Mythmere Games! Thanks Matt & Suzy!
Amazing art and a new twist on combining B/X & 1e D&D that many people will probably really enjoy.
A great adventure, especially for dog lovers, like I hear Semen is.
Imagine "Oriental Adventures" being done better, with better stats, better character options, better monsters, and then imagine it is a huge book with beautiful art. That is what we have here, by the master of going back and fixing old settings and adventures.campaigns, Joseph "Greyhawk Grognard" Bloch. You have to get this book if you have even a pssing interest in 1e, 2e, the OSR, or playing D&D in Asian cultures. This book literally fixes the Monk, the Mystic, and the Thief-Acrobat as well as making other classes more palatable, such as the Bard! I rarely say a book is a must-buy, but this is a MUST-BUY!
The best version of Swords & Wizardry yet! So many options, so many cool and usable features. You have to try this game!
Great preview. Looks to be another amazing Tome of Horrors!
Gazer Press' products keep getting better and better. I love the colour themes and the art, and the ingeneuity in the adventures. These are not simply rehashes of other adventures or throwing a bunch of themes into a blender and trying to make it work. Quality is high in art to writing to editing to gameplay. Everything Gazer Press produces is a must-by for me!
Monster Mash is a great book with some cool classes. I am glad that it tells me where to find spells that are referenced here. I like other products by the same author, and while there are typos, I understand it was rushed to press during the whole evil 1.0a rescinding fiasco, so this is to be expected. I hope Timothy Brannan gives us more of these Digest-Sized hardcoverbooks in the near future!
These monsters are amazing and a must-have book for anyone, esoecially anyone running any of Greg Gillespie's Mega-Dungeon books like Barrowmaze, Highfell, Forbidden Caverns of Archai, and Dwarrowdeep
A tweaked reimagining of the original B/X clone that wasn't afraid to make changes. back, and better than ever!
I love this adventure. It fits perfectly as one of the gardens in A Red & Pleasant Land, which inspired it. I like the tie-ins it has with other LoTFP products too. There are some spelling, formatting, and other minor errors, but otherwise it is a masterpiece. I would love to see a hardcover version too!
What an amazing way to play Storm King's Thunder in Eberron. I've been playing this in one of my groups and really like the conversion for those tired of the same ol' Forgotten Realms. I'm fact, I'm going to say that this conversation plays better than placing it in FR, and anyone who has ever DMd SKT should buy this and try it in Eberron. it's pricing to be more popular run this way for both the DM and the PCs. 5-Stars!!!!!