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Dungeon Grand Prix : Dagon in 60 Seconds $12.00
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Dungeon Grand Prix : Dagon in 60 Seconds
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Dungeon Grand Prix : Dagon in 60 Seconds
Publisher: Orbital Intelligence LLC
by Bob V. G. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 04/17/2023 15:20:35

For the last few days, I soloed my way through Dungeon Grand Prix : Dagon in 60 Seconds (36 pages, DriveThruRPG). This fun adventure was designed for Dungeon Crawl Classics, but I used A Dungeon Game (51 pages, same place). The adventure location is the city New Soler. I changed four lines in Savage Worlds RPG to make my solo engine. For the adventure, I used Shea and her friends. This was their third adventure.

The PCs picked up their quest. They decided to pay a van driver to take them to several spots so they could steal cars. They would then drive the cars back to the quest giver. That was the plan. It did not work out that way. Their first encounter was with a grey alien that had a blaster with two settings. He shot at the van and it was completely fried. Shea took damage when she came out of the van. The PCs did kill the alien and they now had this awesome weapon. The PCs recruited the driver as a new member of their team. They stole their first vehicle, a Crevette. Next, they encountered the Black Krewe. They picked up a quest from them and another vehicle, a Crocardo.

The next encounter was the Orange Krewe. The PCs waved at them and continued on. When they saw an out of control “heavy” go-kart they shot it with the alien blaster and it came to a stop. The driver was grateful. So, they found the enemy Green Krewe at a Truck Stop. The PCs attempted to blow the place up, but that did not work out. They were forced into a battle with the Green Krewe. Trap and The Actor went down. The PCs killed the five members of the Green Krewe. At this point, Tulak healed the wounded PCs. They took the five karts, so they now had a total of seven. They were supposed to take the karts back to the quest giver, but they took too much time (they were traveling by foot some of the time). So, they drove out of the city. Outside the city, Tulak died from a disease. He had picked it (the germ) up from the Truck Stop. I would not ask any questions about that if I were you.

Maybe you will have better luck with this adventure. It would be easy to play it again if you start from a different starting point (it is a hexcrawl).

Give this a try!

[4 of 5 Stars!]
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