This is so much better than it appears in the preview.
Lets start with the price. £8.19 is a lot for a DMSguild supplement when you dont know what you are getting. Its often a gamble.
I am happy to say that value for money was achieved and exceeded. Please read on to see why.
I am not quite sure how you would market this product better but try because its great.
In my purchase I received the following:
The 136 page main booklet.
A handouts folder containing all 10 missions as individual handout images to players and a pdf containing all of them.
A handouts folder containing all 19 items as individual handout images to players and a pdf containing all of them.
A maps folder maps of the locations mentioned. With a bonus map of the Sword Coast.
The artworked are very high resolution and should have no scaling issues when it comes to reproducing it for the table..
The maps have a DM and a PC version with the exception of the Sword Coast regional map of which there is no need to hide details from the players.
The supplement itself is a joy to read. Clearly laid out. Liberal use of good art [NONE of it was AI!! A great bonus!!]. Each faction sets out the same structure enabling a quick way to easily see the dufferences on a galnce.
Each faction gets and average of 15 or so pages, beoken down as follows: a double spread just about the faction. This includes a short introduction, how to join, goals, beliefs, contants, ranks and rewards. How to level up [gaining renown] in the faction. 18 or so side quests split up by 1-6, 7-13 and 14-20. Not sure why it wasn't by tier but its a minor [and possibly the only] flaw.
There are clearly written guidelines on how to progress through the ranks and how to tie in the LMOP and DoIP plot points to progressions. [a bonus if you are a new DM]
There are also a sanctioned mission per faction. I think this is one of the underplayed / underadvertised things about this suuplement. Each sanctioned mission is its own one shot. Its not a one page dungeon either. The Emerald Enclave sanctioned mission is an 8 page fully fleshed out map with all rooms having a great set of descriptive notes.
Honestly these could have been made into separate supplments themselves. The dungeons not the factions. Each faction has a separate supplement priced at £1.64 per faction
There is barely any flannel to the product. I have bought some supplements that are 8 pages and only 2 pages of actual content. This baby is 136 pages of the main supplement. 1 is the cover, 1 is the Table of Contents and 1 is the OGL and acknowledgements. 3 in total.
In short, since dm'ing fifth edition, this is the faction guide I wanted for LMOP but never knew about. It will also act as a great springboard for me for my own factions at my tables [I currently run 5 separate campaigns a month]