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The Horizon Framework

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The Horizon Framework
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The Horizon Framework
Publisher: autosave
by Bob V. G. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 04/12/2023 22:34:46

The Horizon Framework (36 pages, free/pay what you want at DriveThruRPG) is a RPG which you can use with any setting. I created five human modern day gamers. The adventure I used was The Accursed Crypt Beneath Cold Moon Isle (free, a fantasy adventure). I used the Solo Adventure The Dungeon Oracle (Bimler) as the solo engine. The adventure started with my five PCs at a gaming convention in the café, Room 1. They had already registered and were relaxing before starting their first scheduled game. Suddenly, the café becomes a tavern. It is big because it has the same dimensions as the café. The PCs approach the bar and the innkeeper tells the first tale (page 5 of the adventure). The PCs ask the innkeeper their first question, “Why are we here?”, and two other questions. Each question is answered with a rumor (page 8). The PCs search for secret doors and do find one. It leads to Room A.

Inside they find armor and five magic weapons. They go back to the first room and go through a normal door which leads to the registration area. The woman behind the tables tells a tale (page 4). She then points to one of the walls. It is a painting of a wharf and boat. The PCs are able to pass through the wall. This takes them to the ballroom, but it looks like a wharf area. They get on the boat and it sails off into the ocean. After a few hours they see an island, but they hit a reef. The boat breaks into pieces and Jack, who is wearing the heaviest armor, manages to hold onto one of the bigger pieces. Next, they arrive at the next ballroom, which is the shore of the island. They examine the standing stones and talk to the drowned pirates. They see two ways to get underground. The PCs check the wall (ballroom) and find a secret door which leads to Room B.

Here they find a heavy chain that passes through a wall and there are steps that curve down. Together they pull on the chain and a sliding panel open up in the wall. Out comes the Boss, Skoll the Half-Dead Ghost. The PCs kill it, but Jack does take damage. The PCs go down a few steps and find an alcove with a crystal ball. Ryan could not get it to work, but Agatha was successful. She sees the vision of a man wearing robes and a Loki mask. The PCs continue with the crystal ball, down the steps until they end. They do find a secret door in the wall. When they go through it they find themselves in a masquerade ball.

The walls are filled with mirrors. Chandeliers hang from the ceiling and they are lit with candles. Agatha dances a waltz with a charming young man. The rest of the PCs search for the masked man and they find him. They ask him questions and don’t leave him alone even when he starts to get irritated. Eventually he gets angry and admits that he is the cause of all of this. The four PCs attempt to take off his mask. The man (priest of Loki) punches Jack in the face and knocks him out. The PC Tim is able to take off the mask. The priest says, “You should not have interfered.” He does something odd with his fingers and vanishes. At this point, everything seems to go back to normal. Jack wakes up and has a girl’s voice. The PCs still have the armor, crystal ball, and magic weapons. What will happen next?

Give this a try!

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