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Here Be Dragons, An OSR Work
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Here Be Dragons, An OSR Work
Publisher: Philip Reed Games
by Badger B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 04/22/2024 10:57:01

a 52 page zine. Although it would easily print side by side to make 26 pages should you print it out. You could even print 4 per page for 13 pages but that would take away from the greatness this litle book is.

So there are a number of "chapters" in this work detailed as follows:

D20 Treasures Found in a Dragon’s Hoard D20 Ways In Which a Mage May Use a Dragon’s Corpse D20 Unusual Breath Weapons to Make Your Dragons a Tad Weirder D20 More Treasures Found in a Dragon’s Hoard D30 Rumors D20 Truly Unusual Weaknesses of Dragons

I will include one sample from each, I will take the first example for each chapter to let the quality shine for itself. That way you can easily see I am not just cherry picking favoured sections.

D20 Treasures Found in a Dragon’s Hoard Wizard's Enchanted Lectern. When the caster Naemie Naym set out to equip his private workshop with the mystical doodads and thingies that all wizards must possess, he grew frustrated with every lectern he found. Inspiration came to him in a dream, and Naym then spent six years of his life crafting this enchanted lectern. So long as the reader keeps one hand flat against the wooden stand, they need not eat, drink, or rest and may continue reading from whatever book is on the lectern for eternity. Once they step away from the stand, they suffer 2d8 damage, and their Constitution score is reduced by one-half (round down) until they get a full night of rest and have properly eaten.

D20 Ways In Which a Mage May Use a Dragon’s Corpse

Dragon's Eye. If an arcane caster consumes the eye of a slain dragon, the character permanently gains the power of arcane sight, as per the spell of the same name. The power may be used at will once daily for up to an hour.

D20 Unusual Breath Weapons to Make Your Dragons a Tad Weirder

Cloud of Bones. Once each night (only between dusk and dawn), the dragon spews a thick, dangerous cloud of jagged bones. This extends a number of feet equal to the dragons wingspan and to all sides a number of feet equal to one-half the clouds length. Anyone within the affected area must make a Dexterity check at a -4 penalty or suffer 6d6 points of damage. (Half damage on a success¬ful roll.) Additionally, even if they succeed on their Dexterity roll, those within the affected area must make a Constitution check. If the roll fails, they gain one negative level.

D20 More Treasures Found in a Dragon’s Hoard

Mound of Coins. A giant pile of copper, silver, gold, and other coins upon which the dragon often sleeps. The exact number of coins is left to the GM to decide. The dragon knows each and every coin, and if even one is taken, it will stop at nothing - including destroying entire villages and towns - to reclaim its property.

D30 Rumors

If you visit Malaks Last Night and keep yer mouth shut, ye may be lucky enough to hear the bard Inars Kohs tell the tale of the knight and the dragon. It's an ancient story, but Kohs outlines the path to the dragons lair and its vast riches.

D20 Truly Unusual Weaknesses of Dragons

No Breath Weapon. The monster was born with a cruel impairment and, unlike most of its kind, is without a breath weapon of any type. Whether or not one of its other features is somehow enhanced to compensate for the loss of a breath weapon is up to the GM.

The first observation is that the quality of writing really stands out. Any typos like "yer" are designed to be quotes in the local vernacular to the quest, item, rumour. These entries [and the many more in this book] are the types I can directly quote without needing to edit directly into my campaign.

Second observation is that where these entries touch on lore, they are on point. Not campaign changing or world shaking but full of intrigue and the kinds of things my players will occassionally abandon main plot for a dalliance in such.

Regarding the treasure items, where there is a dramatic increase in power for the player, the gamble is big to gain the reward. One such item I will be inputting to my next session [where they meet an adult black dragon] will be to gamble taking a -1 to their main stat if they lose the challenge to gaining a +2 to that same stat if they win the challenge. For that group it will have strong roleplay/mechanical implications whichever way it goes. The thing that is so attractive about this entry is that it will enhance the game for gm & players which ever way that challnge goes.

And all I have to do is lift and drop that idea into my campaign. This is the biggest selling point behind this and many other of "Team Reed"'s products. I dont have to finaegle [sp] things o make it work!

The examples quoted with my review should speak for itself. If you are a GM and not buying this product, you are hobbling yourself.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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