The perfect vehicle for tales of contemporary horror.
In this game you play as ordinary people, which to me is the key for a solid horror experience. It anchors the game in a baseline of reality, which makes the horror elements really stand out.
The game itself is simple and fast at the table, which is imperative for horror games - the system gets out of the way. Initially I was nonplussed about the "investigative spends" mechanic, however at the table it works just fine.
What I really like about this edition of the game is there is a TON of advice for designing and running "mysteries". For example, it has guidance on how to handle "red herrings" in a way that should satisfy a player, rather than frustrating them for shutting down the red herring.
Given the shift to virtual gaming these days, it's worth noting that Foundry VTT has a nice module for gumshoe games (, which includes a Fear Itself setting.