Recently, I soloed my way through Adventurers League The Black Road (44 pages, for D&D Fifth Edition, PC levels 1 to 4). The RPG system that I used to play it was ACRHACK (3 pages, FREE/PAY WHAT YOU WANT at DriveThruRPG).
ACRHACK is a hack of D&D Fifth Edition. I used the Mythic Game Master Emulator as the solo engine and I did refer to the Players Handbook a few times. I started it with seven level one PCs. They picked up their quest in a large tent. They were to be guards for a caravan going through the desert. The first caravan encounter was with goblins who did surprise the PCs. Six of the seven PCs were wounded. The goblins were killed along with a wagon driver. The wizard PC was promoted to wagon driver. His wagon contained the statue which needed to get to Parnast. Next was the sandstorm which killed two drivers. The two camels pulling the wizard’s wagon freaked out and they charged off into the desert pulling the wagon with them. This wagon was then separated from the rest of the caravan. Time passed for the wizard. He got sleepy and fell asleep.
The rest of the caravan encountered a wall with a toll. The PCs made sure that Azam the NPC paid for it. Later they encountered a blood hawk that was carrying a message. The ranger wounded it, but it flew off with the message (the message was not for them). The ranger also scared off a sneaky goblin which was following them. The PCs also had to deal with a trap. They made their saving throws, but they still took damage. They did kill the two bugbears who were responsible. So, the six PCs reached the temple destination at Parnast. Lena the fighter (see the attached image – the artist is Daniel Dociu) was at 25% health and the cleric was at 15% health. The PCs were about to deliver the bad news that the statue was lost in the sandstorm. However, an excited priest from down the street started shouting. The wizard appears, asleep in his wagon. It is being pulled by a giant scarab beetle. The wizard wakes up, the statue is unloaded, the beetle is freed from the wagon, and the giant beetle heads back into the dessert. Quest complete! Gold pieces are collected. Give this RPG a try!