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The Case of the Misguided Lover (City Guard Chronicles)
Publisher: Pinnacle Entertainment
by Benjamin [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 09/22/2024 04:25:14

A well-written adventure that's easy for a Game Master to get to grips with, not least because it's straight to the point, can be integrated into our worlds and is coherent in its own right. It's a very good idea to transpose the world of modern investigations into fantasy (and, by the way, that's what Savage Worlds is all about), and the authors have played creatively with the rules. It's probably a little short (because the exposition of the universe, even if short, takes up a lot of space), but the following adventures should more than make up for that.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
The Case of the Misguided Lover (City Guard Chronicles)
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