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Realms of Peril - Adventurer's Field Guide
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Realms of Peril - Adventurer\'s Field Guide
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Realms of Peril - Adventurer's Field Guide
Publisher: Spellsword Studios
by Michael W. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 02/21/2023 04:53:11

After reading (and loving!) the Evils of setting/hexcrawl campaign, I have been eagerly awaiting both Realms of Peril and Dragonwilds. Honestly, anything by Zach Wolf/Spellsword Studios is going to e an instant buy going forward. This is a great OSR-lite toolkit with a focus on a loosely class-based smorgasbord of abilities to create your own perfect character. It is also surprisingly funny in places, specifically the character background and spell lists, which was definetely welcome nd helps give the product a unique 'voice'. I could not be happier with this system and rate it alongside Eyes Beyond the Torchlight as an awesome OSR alternative, that you should defnetely check out!

My only two criticisms, for the attention of the author; 1: the book could benefit from more examples of play, specifically regarding how players respond to enemy actions in combat. 2: I purchased the physical/fanzine version of the book via your website, it is flimsy as **** (which I guess I should have expected), but a game this good deserves, nay DEMANDS a proper PoD release!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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