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Classic Horror Tabletop RPG
Publisher: Total Party Skills
by Daniel F. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 02/05/2023 15:16:14

To start off with, I gave this product a middling score. This is not to imply that it is a bad product or that I didn't like it. I want to like it. In parts I like it very much. But it also isn't what I was looking for when I bought it and I will probably never use it.

I do like that the author provides a rules summary at the end of chapter two. I deperately needed it at that point. I also like that it starts by guiding us through character creation. I dislike that it takes another fifty-three pages until you find out why there is an "item" column in the table with suggested destinies. I dislike that the pdf seems to laid out seemingly to be viewed on a mobile phone screen. And I dislike how the settings information and rules content are intermingled until I have a hell of a time finding anything.

I think that is also my biggest issue, the lack of a clear structure to work from. And that to me makes it more of a book to read and discover things in rather than a game to be played.

The setting itself is presented too shallowly for my taste. It says it's a sandbox and boy is that true! There is a lot of building to do. It covers a lot of ground in very broad strokes and would have wished for what other sandbox games often provide - examples that drill down to details and that can serve as seeds for building up around.

That holds true for the Ghost of the Shadow Zone core book. The Secrets of the Lesbian Illuminati provides such detail and even a short adventure outline for that title-giving group. Shame I don't have the right group that would appreciate this faction.

The next sourcebook in the bundle - The Young And Restless Dead - introduces four new factions, a short adventure outline and a hook for a media-centric plot.

Then we get to The Ancient AEgyptian Spellbook, new rules for various kinds of magic and spells.

And finally SCIENCE of the SPHINX - a book on Ancient Aliens whose main purpose seems to be to serve as a tie to the author's other games.

Overall, it's not a bad bundle and I had fun reading it and it has me eyeing the author's other books to read for fun, but it's just not a game that I would want to play.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
Classic Horror Tabletop RPG
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Gamers Helping Haiti $20 Donation with Coupon
Publisher: Roll20
by Daniel F. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/30/2010 22:38:49

It took a while until I got the downloads. I bought on saturday and only the following thursday they finally came through. And what an eclectic list they are, some crud (I don't think I will ever use d66 Ship Names, especially as they are all wrong for the naming schemes I prefer) with some outright horrible (at least by my tastes) artwork products, some are stuff I'm drooling over and some are things I would have never found had I been browsing for myself. I'll probably never ever use those wrestling RPGs I got here but the Savage Worlds stuff on the other hand fell straight off my wishlist. And beside all that the majority of the stuff are solid useful supplements and a number of settings I will if not use outright then pilfer for all they are worth.

Count me as happy with what I've got here. It could have been better, of course - it could have always been better. Especially if it had also included everything else I have on my wishlist. :)

But it's certainly worth the few days wait I had to endure and this doesn't keep me from giving it the full five stars.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Gamers Helping Haiti $20 Donation with Coupon
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