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Rift Runners Ruins of The Earth
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Rift Runners Ruins of The Earth
Publisher: Do Your Best
by Bob V. G. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/07/2023 17:39:11

Rift Runners Ruins of the Earth (120 pages, free at DriveThruRPG) is a fantasy RPG. I created four human healers and put them through four days of adventuring. For the first adventure, I used The Great Academy Caper. For the second adventure, I used Cultist Monastery. I used the Solo Adventure The Dungeon Oracle (Bimler) as the solo engine. The adventure started with the four seventeen year-olds at the academy where they were trained. They will graduate in a few weeks. They heard about some trouble around the school, but were not allowed to leave their dorms. On the second day they were able to sneak into the library where something was going on. The PCs killed eleven goblins. The goblin shaman wanted to talk. He explained why they were there. The PCs talked with the teachers and they gave the shaman the scroll that he wanted. It had been taken from his tribe. The PCs rested on the third day.

On the fourth day they heard about some local cultists causing trouble around town. They went to a monastery which had been taken over by cultists. They explored nine rooms total and killed eight cultists. However, things took a turn for the worse and they were forced to retreat. As they exited the monastery, they heard the sounds of the two portcullises dropping into position. My PCs are now third level. Give this RPG a try!

[4 of 5 Stars!]
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