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D100 City Hooks, Fantasy RPG Encounter Ideas $7.00
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D100 City Hooks, Fantasy RPG Encounter Ideas
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D100 City Hooks, Fantasy RPG Encounter Ideas
Publisher: Philip Reed Games
by Badger B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 04/19/2024 04:48:00

What is this? Well its a d100 table to be sure.

Why should I review it?

well lets look at the first 4 entries on page 2.

1 A cry from a nearby alley catches the attention of the heroes. If the party investigates, they find a wounded town guard who begs for their help. The man, near-death, claims that he and his fellows were chasing Goran Ivanisevic, a known thief who is wanted for questioning in the murder of a councilman. The guard points to one of the many doors facing the alley and says that Goran is inside. “Careful,” the guard whispers as he collapses. “The man is armed and more dangerous than ye may think.” Will the PCs try to locate and capture the thief? Their thoughts on the matter may change when the guard mentions that there is a reward for the capture of the criminal. Alive.

2 The wizardess Lloreta de las Alas has long made the city her home, residing in the same boarding house for well over a decade. Lloreta occupies the top floor of a three-story home in the city’s merchant district, and she makes her living selling potions to the wealthy locals. She specializes in love potions, but she has been known to brew many other potions when she has a buyer lined up. At the moment, the wizardess is running low on a handful of key ingredients and has posted a notice in a nearby tavern seeking adventurers to locate and deliver specific ingredients to her home. (Exactly which ingredients, and what the woman will pay, is left as an exercise for the gamemaster’s imagination.)

3 Oraz Narimanov, a towering human bard who wears only the finest of outfits and prefers the company of the beautiful, has taken a room at The Glistening Blade, one of the city’s finest inns. Oraz recently overheard a visiting merchant discussing a possession that the bard very much wishes to acquire. It appears that the merchant has, possibly hidden in his own room in the inn, a rare songbook known only as The Many Works of Lukas Diederich. Bards, scholars, and historians well know the value of this book; it is said that Diederich collected over a dozen magical songs within the pages of this book. Any bard would pay handsomely for the tome . . . except for Oraz, who wishes to pay the PCs to steal the book.

4 A nearby ruckus on one of the city’s many streets catches the attention of the adventurers. If they push their way through the crowd of onlookers, they see a few local bullies kicking and beating a defeated goblin. The green-skinned creature is begging for the bullies to cease their assault as the crowd cheers on the abusers. Do the PCs interfere and save the goblin from certain death? The bullies – and watchers – are cowards at heart and flee if confronted by experienced heroes. The goblin struggles to rise but is weak and unwell. He introduces himself as Pohand Dilazak, a traveler and explorer, and says that he was only in the city in search of supplies. He was unaware of the hatred that many here feel for his kind and thanks the party repeatedly for their kindness. He offers them a few silver as thanks.

I think you'll agree that there is nothing normal about this d100 table.

Its rich and expansive, its a truly fully formed comment that really sparks the imagination.

The art [6 pieces] whilst nicely drawn and has a nice aestetic behind it, really pop out with the accompanying description.

In my opinion, Philip Reed & Lex Morgan are a winning combination and this is just one of the very many examples that are out there. I run 5 tables per month. 5 different campaigns, about 23 sessions a month. Their many products are gradually taking over my DM bag as my main resource to go to.

The other thing worth noting is that their products whilst complete are never really left alone. They are regularly updated by the author if he has found a way to enhance their value [particularly the decks they do]

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Creator Reply:
This is incredibly generous of you. Thank you! Nothing I type here can truly convey how great it was to read your review this morning. Thank you.
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