This book is everything a GM and their players could have asked for. First of all it is important to notice that the adventures and adventure outlines revolve around the pregen characters, but not in a bad way. Instead of being adventures that are dependent on a certain character being central to the story, the adventures are told via the eyes of said characters. This is to say that they are written imagining that the pregen characters are there but still leave space for any GM to change the setting, the facts, the characters, anything they wish for (after all, the pregen characters don't really have the whole story). There is even a small section on each of the adventure outlines that state characters that could or could not be in a city during a certain adventure. So if you are on the fence about how limited the adventures can be, here is how much they are limited: they simply aren't. Any of the adventures can accommodate player character or changes and there will be no work at all for the GM (it just takes reading and crossing out pregen names from your reading). More on that, the 6 full adventures and the 40 adventure outlines are following different stories that can form the bones of campaigns. The analytical index on page 208 is key for that, in which you will find where in the book certain key elements that are recurrent for adventures will show up, and those recurrent elements being central to a certain number of those adventures are exactly what ware forming campaigns in each chapter of the timeline of events. It is safe to say that both the 6 detailed adventures and the 40 adventure outlines can give any table a LOT to work with, being for one-shots or for campaigns (my favorite is the whole Argo mythology). And it is worth noting that the 24 character pregens are not just the character sheets, this being part of another purchase, I think. What the book gives are details on the characteristics, level up path suggestions and my favorite part, the detailed life story of said character. There are paragraphs for each character that will tell you their motivations, life, fears, hopes, etc, that really helps to fill up this world with even more wonder than the core book was already showing. One day me and my players will finish a whole Argo campaign for sure!