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Bite-Sized Dungeon
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Bite-Sized Dungeon
Publisher: Richard Kelly
by Bob V. G. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/20/2022 10:28:51

The Dread Secrets Of Gullcurst Cape (20 pages) is a fun fantasy adventure for Bite-Sized Dungeon RPG, but I used Hack’D & Slash’D (23 pages). To create my solo engine, I changed four lines in Chaos In The Floating Libraries (21 pages). The two adventures are included in the Bite-Sized RPG (free/pay what you want at DriveThruRPG). I used six second level characters.

So, the quest was to find and dig up a pirate treasure. My PCs were dropped off at a beach and started their journey. During the first day they fought and killed eight monsters. The friendliest encounter was with a group of Corgwn Crabs (I have never seen that before). The rogue PC Skar was invited to play in a game of volleyball. He had a good time. When the sun set, they were at the beach. They talked to a merchant and Skar talked to a wereshark. She was in human form because it was dark at that time. The two of them hit it off and had a great date. On the second day they killed five monsters, tried to dig up the pirate treasure (a god-beast ruined that plan), and set up a camp for the evening. On the third day, they killed 13 monsters when they travelled back to the pick up spot. On the fourth day they were at sea on a ship. They encountered a pirate ship armed with alchemists. The alchemists were killed, the pirate ship blew up, and the PCs did loot the bodies and found one alchemical bomb. I am sure this will come in useful.

Give this adventure a try!

[4 of 5 Stars!]
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