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Hack'D & Slash'D

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Hack\'D & Slash\'D
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Hack'D & Slash'D
Publisher: Splintered Realms Publishing
by Bob V. G. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/24/2022 20:57:02

Gremlins Take Ostenwald (7 pages, a DMDave adventure) is a fun adventure for third level characters D&D Fifth Edition. To create my solo engine, I changed five lines in table #333 in the FlexTale Solo Adventuring Toolkit (613 pages at DriveThruRPG). The RPG system I used was Hack’D & Slash’D (1$, 21 pages at DriveThruRPG). I used five second level characters.

For the first scene, the characters enter the township of Ostenwald. Within minutes, they are in combat with five gremlins (like in the movie Gremlins). The PCs kill the gremlins. During the second scene, the PCs encounter two PCs and a dog. They gain valuable information. During the third scene, they fail an IQ check, pass a Wisdom check, kill five more gremlins, and find the apothecary’s den. For the fourth scene, they heal the apothecary, acquire a magical bead, climb down a level, and blow up 50 more gremlins. For the fifth scene, the PCs fight the Boss gremlin, take more damage, and watch as a PC kills the Boss (well, that was a surprise). For the last scene, they climb back up to ground level and encounter a fighter and his henchman. They have a chat and the fighter pulls out a scroll. There is a tense moment and the fighter explains that it is a list of quests. He marks off the gremlin quest, and reads the next quest from the list. The adventure ends when he tells them. “Let’s go!”.

Give this RPG a try!

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Creator Reply:
Sounds like a fun session! Thanks for giving my game a try.
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