While I am pleased that Rolemaster is getting some attention, I can't say that RMU is a product that I see myself using. The somewhat inconsistent writing, formatting, and art notwithstanding, the core of what I want out of a Rolemaster game has largely been bled away for something entirely simpler and, quite frankly, less interesting. This book may suit people who are looking to get into Rolemaster for the first time and it might well appeal to modern gamers who demand a degree of streamlined straighforwardness, but for me, RMC or RMFRP already do exactly what I want them to do and manage to stand on their own merits all these years later. I'd have much preferred proper reprints of these books over what we got from Core Law. Further, it's not really possible to run a proper game without the currently non-existent Spell Law, let alone Creatures and Treasures. Perhaps once those books come out, the new "RMU" system will deserve a higher rating from me, but for now, I've landed on 3 stars.