Really excellent book. Compelling and useful mix of NPCs, and the full release has added a bunch more than just a compilation of the original bite-sized releases. As a setting nerd, I really love how the writers have used these character write-ups as opportunities to expand the setting and introduce us to brand-new cultures and locations that seem really vibrant and compelling, rather than just writing up characters who live in the places we already know about. Almost every entry is a plot hook, a usable story-in-motion, and a window to a new part of Creation that makes it feel much more lived in. I particularly love the Quaghead tribes, the Boneyard Kettle, and the Devilfish Schools! (hoping for more Undersea content down the line!) Echoing hopes that Onyx Path might carry on with this model (as well as with other focuses like location writeups for whatever gets missed in At8D, or artifacts/martial arts etc.)