Endless Encounters: Dungeons 5e (301 pages) is a fun dungeon adventure for D&D Fifth Edition. It is for levels one to ten. I used my five level six Barghest characters and I added a first level one to replace the one that had died in a previous adventure. The solo engine I used was The Dungeon Oracle (Paul Bimler). On the first day they killed a shrieker and three ogrons.
On the second day they killed an algid, a drant, and a giant bat. That night, while they were camping above ground they witnessed a ceremony between two witches. The PCs did not interfere. On the third day they killed five lizardfolk. On the fourth day they killed a giant water beetle and a gargoyle. While they were messing with a locked door, they were attacked by another giant bat. They killed it.
The fifth day started with another locked door problem. They did find a secret door and a half-elf bard joined the party (he will be a problem). Later they killed a water weird. That night they set up camp like usual – sleeping in hammocks up in the trees. The bard was sleeping on the ground. A horrible smell woke everyone up. They talked about their options and decided to stay where they were at. They did survive the night. The next day they went to town and exchanged their loot for gold pieces. They earned 3,760 g.p.
I am enjoying playing monsters as PCs. Give this adventure a try!