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True Peer: Encounter Building $1.99
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True Peer: Encounter Building
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True Peer: Encounter Building
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Andrew P. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 04/17/2024 06:01:54

Unfortunately, while this product has a couple of good ideas, it is a lacking product. I do applaud the effort of the author but there are shortcomings in this product that are hard to overlook (you can see more in the discussion section). I suggest to people to take the advice of the author and look for the free sample and judge whether this product is good for their table or not. If you find that this product could work for you, then by all means go for it as the author put effort in this. The good part: There is advice in the end of the product about scaling difficulty and use of monsters of various roles. This advice is useful.

[2 of 5 Stars!]
True Peer: Encounter Building
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Nick M. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/03/2023 13:35:33

I've been seriously GMing for a few years now, and building encounters has always been a pain in the butt. Striking a balance between daily experience and my PCs’ fighting abilities/strategies consumed a significant amount of time. My PCs would typically either wipe the floor with an encounter, or I'd have to make quick tactical changes to prevent a TPK.

I stumbled across True Peer on reddit when I was looking for tips on better encounter building and its been an incredibly useful tool! I started a new campaign with my main group earlier this year and have used True Peer as a reference for all of our encounters. Each one has been a resounding success, with my PCs specifically mentioning how much they enjoy the challenging combat and the strategic thinking it encourages.

The book's charts make it quick and easy to determine the number of enemies needed for a desired challenge level, and I particularly appreciate the distinction between single monster encounters and group fights. I am also a big fan of the size of the book- four pages with all the information you need. Quick and to the point!

I wholeheartedly recommend True Peer to anyone looking to create engaging and appropriately challenging encounters for their PCs.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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