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Publisher: Salty Games
by Angel\'s [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 04/07/2024 17:17:17

Angel's Citadel just reviewed this title. Go check it out here:

TL;DR - You should absolutely check this out if you're a fan of anime, anthromorphs, or cyberpunk in general.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Publisher: Salty Games
by Tanith [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/19/2023 01:26:06

An excellent, unique system, set in an imaginative world. The community behind the system is incredibly supportive and friendly. There's so much to love about NewEdo.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Creator Reply:
What a perfect review, thanks very much Tanith! I'm glad you're enjoying the world and the community!
Publisher: Salty Games
by David [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 09/21/2023 18:37:31

Love the combination of mystic Japan and high-tech action.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Creator Reply:
Thanks very much for the vocal support and kind words David! I'm really glad you're enjoying the game.
Publisher: Salty Games
by Joel G. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/01/2023 12:27:18

As a meaty replacement for Shadowrun, this neon corposcape is worth its weight in gold. The dice pool takes a little getting used to and the character sheet was a bit chaotic in our first setup, but the sky's the limit if you give the system a little time and see how it all hangs together. The logic is sound and the rules are easy enough to break down into their components if you want to homebrew some AAA cybersquid shenanigans (and who hasn't wanted that). Bonus points for the handy reference tables.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Creator Reply:
Joel, thanks so much for the rating and review! Your comment isn't the first I've heard about NewEdo's original character sheets, so I created a simplified version that you can find under the NewEdo drop down menu at It has a more traditional layout that might be easier to navigate. I hope you and the cybersquids have a ton of fun in NewEdo, and thanks again for the support!
Publisher: Salty Games
by Tim J. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 04/17/2023 04:26:41

I backed the game since I was looking for a replacement game for shadowrun which I could play with lesser experienced players. Overall I have to say, that I am very satisfied.

The Character Creation Creating characters is done by assigning different priorities to different concepts of your character (like augmentations, skills, traits) which will determin the amount of points you get to spent on the chosen concept. If you want to play a fully augmented character, you assign A priority to augmentations, if you want to play a magic based character, you assign A priority to magic for instance if you want to build a character driven by their background you asign A to your background and so on. With the priority system you can achieve a character design through multiple ways which keeps the character creation interesting and fresh but at the same time it never gets to complicated. We liked it very much, but it took a while until we got used to it.

Legend Each character has a legend which defines their overarching goal. The legend can be anything from Zoro's "becoming the greatest swordsman in the world" to stuff like "being the idol my city needs" from batman. It's basically what drives the character forward. If you do cool stuff which helps your legend to grow, your legend will increase. The legend is also a resource you can spend to do neat stuff like exceeding in combat or other situations.

The Fate Card Each character gets a so called fate card. If you do a skill check, attack or similar thing, you roll on your fate card which is a list of % ranges in which fancy stuff can happen. The results from the fate card can range from crits to botches or from special actions caused by augmentations to stuff that meddles with your background. The fatecard adds a bit of randomness to every roll which can spice things up quite a bit. (For the better or for the worse. My group definitly likes randomness so we are quite happy about it)

Rolling dice NewEdo uses a pool dice system with the difference that you add up the dice rolled from your pool to achieve a certain target number. (I am more used to dice systems where you have to accumulate N successes to achieve what you want) The pool, consists of a variety of dice from d4 to d12 while d10 are the most common dice as they are the ones provided by your core traits. (eg. heart, power, reflex etc.) Every 10 on a d10 in NewEdo explodes which leads to even more dices rolled. If you like to roll many dice, the system will definitly scratch that itch.

Combat The combat in new Edo is fun and overall well designed. We had fun with our first encounters and liked the way things turned out. Combat is resolved in multiple steps which factor in environmental details like cover and visibility and later revolves around turns within "classic" initiative order. The combat can be quite deadly at times but we made it through our fights without loosing characters despite me being new to the system as a game master. It's also nice that melee characters keep their relevance despite the extensive existence of fire arms. Both, melee and ranged characters are feasable.

Conclusion All in all I can say that we enjoyed our first sessions very much and I have zero regrets backing the project as stuff turned out very neat. In addition to the cool system I have to say that I love the art very much. I can't speak about the setting in very much detail as I only know it from reading the rulebook since we are currently playing an adapted shadowrun adventure as a first run. But from what I've read, the setting is very cool. The different lineges are interesting and range from normal humans to creatures from japanese folklore like Kappas, Kitsune and Oni (We reflavoured them for shadowrun) and the futuristic cyberpunk setting mixed with mythologic japanese influences makes for an interesting combination in my opinion. I can definitly recommend the book.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Publisher: Salty Games
by Daniel K. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/19/2022 20:52:32

NewEdo presents an amazingly evocative and creative setting, with tons of opportunity for self-expression in character creation and play. It's crunchy, but throwing lots of dice is fun, and there's an undercurrent of playfulness to the whole setup that I find is often missing from similarly crunchy games (which sometimes read like technical instruction manuals). The Fate Card—which let you slot effects that each have set chances to proc—is one of the most intriguing mechanics I've seen. The game has both breadth and depth without leaning on cliches or worn-out mechanics.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Creator Reply:
Daniel, thanks for this incredible review. If the book were as well written as your comment it would be winning awards all over the place! I'm glad you're enjoying NewEdo and really appreciate your input to the community!
Publisher: Salty Games
by Jordan E. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/27/2022 20:02:41

A very skillfully made combination of Legend of the Five Rings and Shadowrun, but managing to keep a very distinctive style, world, and mood. I can't wait to see what is in store for the future with this very promising property!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Creator Reply:
Hi Jordan, thanks very much for supporting NewEdo and going to the trouble to leave a review! I hope you enjoy your adventures in NewEdo, and if you haven't yet, please stop by the Discord to say hi. And don't worry, there's more to come in the NewEdo world!
Publisher: Salty Games
by Xavier M. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/26/2022 06:22:34

We test it and we love it ! We, it's all the players around the table (we are old players in age :) and in testing game). We hope some following products !

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Creator Reply:
Xavier, thank you so much for the glowing review! I'm really happy you and your players are enjoying NewEdo. I think there's a "click to follow publisher" button around here somewhere that will notify you when the next NewEdo product comes out - the Temple of Kozu adventure module is being tested now, and will introduce tables to more details of the city and its denizens. Stay tuned!
Publisher: Salty Games
by Connor P. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/10/2022 19:28:31

Genuinely a game that strove to add something new and interesting to the TTRPG space and made something incredible.

One of the core aspects is the Fate Card. A manifestation of the Legend (story driven RP personafication) and Fate itself can influence what happens. Maybe because people believe in you being super strong you get the ability to lift massive times your weight.

It provides a constant source of engagement every turn. And combined with that the depth of character options but not requiring you to reference 10 different niche tables you instead of the complexity in how you choose to build your character, allowing gameplay to be smooth but still very developed in terms of how you want your character to interact with their environment.

Multiple choices to build your character, no single path being correct (priority in magic, skills and abilities, magic, and social influences) but being able to build any character to takcle problems in the way you see them achieving.

Plus, there's an amazing Discord filled with lots of people who are always willing to help, discuss ideas and be welcome to new folk. Honestly one of the best games I've ever bought.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Publisher: Salty Games
by Grant T. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/08/2022 11:47:39

This is a very well laid out product with a great writing style, great artwork, an interesting setting, and some neat mechanics. This is a must buy book.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Creator Reply:
Grant, thank you so much for taking the time to leave such a positive review. I really appreciate the support. I hope you enjoy NewEdo, and look forward to hearing about your adventures out there one day!
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