"Inspired heavily by the movie The Dead House, in this Wretchploitation scenario the players may take the role of a gang of psychotic house invaders, the family inhabiting the house or even the authorities investigating the case. Besides the conflict between the gang and the family members there will be many other events, mundane and supernatural. So, whether you're looking for a fun one shot night of horror, or something that could be much more expansive, then (hopefully) this will be an explosive fuel for your inspiration."
"In Wretched Depravity" By Joe Coombs, & Miguel Ribeiro is a very different style of Wretchploitation adventure title. This is a sorta of home invasion where you can play the invaders, the invadee family , or your own party. "In Wretched Depravity" clocks in at thirty eight pages of intensive & weird horror adventure. This adventure takes full advantage of the Wretchploitation rpg engine. And it does it by pulling the players into the action right off the bat.
"In Wretched Depravity" By Joe Coombs, & Miguel Ribeiro takes the PC's into it's adventure plot reminding this DM of those late 90's horror films of yesteryear or even 80's supernatural films.
The layout in "In Wretched Depravity" is solidly done. The artwork is A.I. driven but done in a way that suits the horrid nature of this adventure.
This adventure sucks deeply from the 'grind house film' aspect of the Wretchploitation rpg. There's a lot happening within "In Wretched Depravity" & it uses it's adventure location for the maximum amount of carnage, blood, & PC death. This is an adult title that lives up to it's label very well. And it does this by giving us NPC's with lots of OSR horror teeth & nastiness. Done correctly "In Wretched Depravity" could be a real hallow Halloween adventure with an OSR twist or two.
Look let's be honest there's going to a lot of PC death with "In Wretched Depravity" By Joe Coombs, & Miguel Ribeiro. My advice here is to bring extra PC sheets filled in & rolled up. What "In Wretched Depravity" does is show off how well the Wretchploitation rpg handles modern OSR & horror adventures. It does this by actually putting the PC's in harm's way.
Could "In Wretched Depravity" By Joe Coombs, & Miguel Ribeiro be used with say with The Wretched New Flesh rpg?! Quite easily folks especially if the PC's are playing a wealthy family party of adventurers. A planar weapon opens up a horror adventure hook that leads to events in "In Wretched Depravity".
"In Wretched Depravity" By Joe Coombs, & Miguel Ribeiro has all of the hallmarks of a Giallo horror adventure. Pulp horror elements check, PC's in constant danger check, a well written adventure with a cast of NPC's with weirdness happening?! Check & check. For two dollars this is an excellent rpg adventure to add to the Wretchedverse.
Thanks for reading our review
Eric Fabiaschi
Swords & Stitchery review
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