(Excerpt from sister site RPG.net for the physical product. The digital content is FREE with the physical box!)
Full review: https://www.rpg.net/reviews/archive/19/19106.phtml
Overview: Loke Battle Mat's "Box of Adventure: 2. Coast of Dread", like Loke's earlier "Box of Adventure: 1. Valley of Peril", consists of twenty-four 11"x17" maps, four 8 1/2'x11" sheets of building and other cutouts, 275+ double-sided tokens, and a magnetic-shut storage box, for your RPG adventures. The larger maps consist of four maps of each of the following: Dread Coast, Ancient Halls, Windward Village, Fetid Swamp, Old Cemetery, and Cave Ruins. Note that many of these maps can be used outside of a maritime environment. The boxed set also has a free digital copy code and 5E 16 page adventure "Curse of the Dread marsh Crew", redeemable at the Loke Battle Mats website. The maps are printed on modular fully-laminated and wipe-clean double-sided maps. Like their previous boxed set, you can combine the maps to form larger ones. Each map has a 1" grid. The tokens and terrain features are printed on the same sheets, so will have to be cut out. You can, of course, use the their maps with any 1" grid map, as well as Loke Battle Mats' reusable static clings from their "Add-On Scenery" line.
Assortment: Fold-out boxed set and spiral-bound (of different sizes) are Loke Battle Mat's map physical formats. Pick whichever you prefer from their catalog. Coast of Dread consists of maritime maps, underground halls, a village, a swamp, a cemetery, and caves. Pretty obviously, if your adventure takes place on land rather than sea, you would want the "Box of Adventure: 1. Valley of Peril" set. A digital copy is included with the physical set, but you can purchase the digital copy directly from DriveThurRPG. Don't forget the other free Loke digital maps and adventures!
Ghost Archipelago: As a sample miniature skirmish game, I looked at Ghost Archipelago, a piratey jungle and island-theme game based on the popular Frostgrave game, to see how compatible Coasts of Dread was for this game. Each two-page spread map is 17" x 11", so you can arrange 2x3 maps to make a suitable nearly 3x3 board. (Ghost of Archipelago can be played on as small as a 2x2 board for two players, and 4x4 or more for more players. Map size is flexible.) Ghost Archipelago's scenarios are pretty flexible when it comes to terrain (mostly, you set up a board then place a terrain or map piece in the middle), so you will be able to play most of the scenarios with the Coasts of Dread set. You'll need additional terrain (eg. cage, standing stones, dinosaur eggs...), but the Coast of Dread comes with a watchtower for the Watchtower scenario, and a ruined temple for the Graveyard scenario. You'll need to visit the local aquarium shop for jungle trees if you want the maps to represent jungles, although the Wilderness Books and free Loke digital maps on DriveThruRPG has jungle maps you could use.
Ghosts of Saltmarsh:
Map Support: As an example RPG setting, I went through the Ghosts of Saltmarsh D&D campaign, to see how well you could use Coasts of Dread with it. The Coast of Dread will work for most locations. The Valley of Peril has forests and land-based monster tokens. The Town and Tavern book and/or "Town Trimmings" reusable static clings will be useful for the town of Saltmarsh and indoor locations and furnishings. Of course, some non-combat locations, like towns and NPC encounters, won't need a map. The Big Book of Battlemats III has additional maps, particularly the vampiric forest, you can optionally use for this campaign. The Wilderness books have forests, islands, caves, tower ruins, swamp, sea, and small islands you may find useful for variety. The Coast of Dread maps and tokens don't exactly replicate those in the campaign book, so expect minor alterations to the adventures, includig proxying tokens or alternate monsters.
Token Support: No RPG token set can be expected to support every planned and especially random encounter, but Coasts of Dread does a pretty good job. Coasts of Dread also has tokens for the maritime Saltmarsh Backgrounds, at least the human ones. You still may need to make the occasional substitution. The Valley of Peril Box of Adventure, suggested for its forests, also has tokens for PCs, NPCs, and monsters, mostly of the generic fantasy variety. Roughly 50 of the tokens — not even counting the cultists and pirates — are suitable for PC's. However, most are human, with maybe one or two tokens for elf, dwarf, and halfling races.
Further Loke Products
If you're looking to expand your maps for Saltmarsh, I would start with Valley of Peril. Valley of Peril has Coasts of Dread's folding map and token format, as well as its digital content that may be used with Coasts of Dread. Valley of Peril has forest, dungeon, and cave maps, as well as a tavern and tokens for land-based monsters, and a digital copy. The Town Trimmings reusable clings will be useful to customize the empty buildings and dungeon rooms. The Wilderness Books of Battle Maps has additional sea, island, forest, and land maps. The Towns & Taverns Books of Battle Maps has more maps for town and city encounters. The Dungeon Books of Battle Mats and Add-On Scenery for RPG Battle Maps: Dungeon Decorations reusable clings may be useful for the additional caves, ruins, including flooded ruins, and tower. Digital versions of these physical accessories and additional digital maps for fantasy and other genres are available on DriveThruRPG.