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Heroes & Hardships Core Rulebook
Publisher: Earl of Fife Games
by Pranab S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/15/2023 08:26:25

Hello Fellow Adventurer,

I hope this review finds you in the best of spirits. If you are looking for a rulesystem for your next game that would allow you and your friends to craft unique characters and weave intricate stories then Heroes & Hardships is what you seek. This is a universal role playing system so there are lot of apsects that I could talk about. I will focus on the features that stood out to me the most.

  1. Character creation is nuanced. It allows for both quick generation and complex builds built with lot of thought and care. Ancestry traits and Flaws give the player and GM a framework within which to have a conversation about that character that is not only loved by the player but fits the world and the story.
  2. Injuries and Wound sustained from combat and/or social encounters create a level of grittiness to the world that is not overbearing to execute and play.
  3. The use of AP to track combat after the initial round creates a lively atmosphere. It creates a framework for all players to strategize thier moves based on the action of their team mates without getting overly bogged down in minutea. This aspect of the ruleset does have a learning curve compared to other games, but if you and friends take your time to understand the mechanics during the first few encounters, it will pay dividends in later stages of the game.
  4. Magic in this system is wonderful to watch in action as a player and character. Like all magic though, when things turn sour the consequences are oh so epic!
  5. The production quality of the core rule book is among the best I have seen. The art work is sublime and captivating and I cant wait for the print version to come out later this year.

All of this disguises the fact that it is an independent game developer who created Heroes & Hardships for the TTRPG community. This means in addition to the core rule book you get the support from the creator Jason Duff on any and all questions you may have about Heroes & Hardships. There is an active Discord server where Jason is creating new content for the system and helping players understand the esoteric parts of the ruleset. Jason has created a ton of content on YouTube to help players and GMs create characters, run combat and build worlds. There is a fully featured character sheet on Roll20 and the community is building character sheets for other Virtual Tabletop systems.

In conclusion I hope this review was helpful to you and I hope I have been able to convey in words what this system has allowed me to experience as a player. I know there are a lot of systems to choose from today and each review and marketing campaign talks about how each system is the only system you will ever need. There is no one system to rule them all. That never works as evidenced by the unfolding of events in Middle Earth. Rather think of Heroes & Hardhsips as ruleset that you should consider adding to your quiver if you want to play, run and build a world that is a reflection of your creativity and love for the game of table top role playing.

May the force be with you so you can live long and prosper.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Heroes & Hardships Core Rulebook
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