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Fabula Ultima TTJRPG: Press Start
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Fabula Ultima TTJRPG: Press Start
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Fabula Ultima TTJRPG: Press Start
Publisher: Need Games
by Elliot [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/31/2025 12:28:20
  • Pros:
    • Strong Narrative Focus – The game is designed for collaborative storytelling, encouraging players and the GM to build the world together.
    • Flexible Class System – Character progression is necessarily modular, allowing for unique builds by combining multiple classes.
    • Streamlined Mechanics – The core system is simple but effective. Stats are intuitive, and combat is fast-paced while maintaining some tactical depth.
    • Cinematic Action – Inspired by JRPGs, combat and abilities are designed to feel grand and impactful. Players are encouraged to think dynamically rather than just optimize numbers.
  • Cons:
    • Light on Crunch – While the system has tactical elements, it’s not for players who want deep mechanical complexity or extensive character min-maxing. Not a problem for me, personally.
    • Relies on Player Engagement – Since worldbuilding and storytelling are collaborative, a passive group may struggle with engagement. Players who expect the GM to do all the work might find the system lacking structure.
  • Verdict:
    • Fabula Ultima is an excellent system for groups who love narrative-driven, anime-style adventures with dramatic combat and deep character storytelling. It prioritizes flexibility and creativity over rigid mechanics, making it a great fit for those who enjoy collaborative worldbuilding and emergent storytelling.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Fabula Ultima TTJRPG: Press Start
Publisher: Need Games
by Fiery [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 06/13/2024 20:54:41

Very cool. Perfect JRPG vibes. Very easy to follow.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Fabula Ultima TTJRPG: Press Start
Publisher: Need Games
by evan [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 04/26/2024 19:00:25

This is what most, if not all, TTRPG quickstarts should aspire to be. Press Start tutorializes the game's mechanics scene-by-scene, "unlocking" parts of the character sheet as the adventure continues. The pre-gens have just enough to them that they're good platforms for the RP prompts given, which let my players really make their Press Start characters and setting their own. This was a SMASH HIT with my table and everyone's raring to go for a campaign of Fabula. Highly recommend even if you're just interested in the system, Fabula Ultima has some great ideas that I'll certainly be implementing across other games!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Fabula Ultima TTJRPG: Press Start
Publisher: Need Games
by Maggie P. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/11/2023 14:27:12

As far as quickstarts go, this one is very good! The creator paced the learning process of their system to feed relevant information to the players as it comes up, rather than dumping a whole new character sheet on the player with abilities, stats, and items that they now have to juggle. Instead, the information is presented in easily digestible scenes that pair off with "unlocked" aspects on the character sheets. An ingenious way to approach a brand new system. I plan to emulate that with my own storytelling processf from now on!

In short, a fantastic little tutorial fit for the best TTJRPG on the market.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Fabula Ultima TTJRPG: Press Start
Publisher: Need Games
by Pierre S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 07/13/2023 10:08:22

Rarely have I seen a starter this well built and laid out.

Press Start suceeds remarkably at teaching you two things: how the game plays and what the game is about. And it does so with minimal exertion on your part. The rules are introduced progressively as characters face more and more complex threats and challenges. It does so through a rather railroady adventure that do feel more like a scripted tutorial. The final encounter is a bit more involving in terms of rules dump, but otherwise it does a great job at teaching the key rules of the system. Premade characters and the events can be a bit cliché, but in a first session players and GM alike are putting more focus on getting the rules right, so you probably won't notice too much.

So, what's the verdict? Press Start, by throwing player agency out the window, is not a good adventure. But it's not an issue, because this title has a different purpose. It is an excellent introduction to a deep and well thought-out system. This module values your time and focus with solid content and top tier layout. I GM'd this with barely any preparation, because I could just read along. Many starter kits are meant to work this way, but few I tried really succeeded. By the end of the session, players and I knew the ropes and we could figure out whether or not we liked the game. And we had a good time doing so!

If you're intrigued, don't hesitate to try it out!

About the system… The system itself is rather curchy and heavily geared towards combat. Not for everyone ; I usually prefer much lighter titles, but I was surprised I had such a great time. I ended up buying the core game, hopefully to put it to use in a future campaign.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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