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Dames of Asstoria: A Monster Girl RPG
$20.00 $10.00
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Dames of Asstoria: A Monster Girl RPG
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Dames of Asstoria: A Monster Girl RPG
Publisher: Dead Tree Studios
by Mitchell [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 09/25/2024 00:36:28

I would love to rathe this RPG five stars. It's got a good idea, it's got a TON of crunch too it, and it essentially grants a good, proper "Monster girl" RPG, without some of the....problems Monster girls have. Plus, the Trait system is INGENIOUS...

Unfortunately, there are a few typographical errors, the Bestiary is badly organized, and I'm unsure on the use of two systems for attack, and ESPECIALLY the problem with non-trait 'to hit'.

In addition, this is clearly a player's guide, not a DM's guide. There's no starter adventure, no DM Advice, etc. The bestiary even seems to lack the all important explanation for what each thing means, ESPECIALLY threat.

This is a good product. But it's not a GREAT Product. I wish I could say better. But, it's definitely a good start. I'll see if the others can push it to a GREAT game.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
Creator Reply:
Thank you, we are working on making it a great product you can count on that.
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