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Mazes Fantasy Roleplaying Module 1: Beneath the Moor of Sorrow $5.99
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Mazes Fantasy Roleplaying Module 1: Beneath the Moor of Sorrow
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Mazes Fantasy Roleplaying Module 1: Beneath the Moor of Sorrow
Publisher: 9th Level Games
by Chris W. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/22/2024 12:24:50

Short, simple, sweet intro to Mazes. Perfect for new GMs and for new players.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Mazes Fantasy Roleplaying Module 1: Beneath the Moor of Sorrow
Publisher: 9th Level Games
by Diego M. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/19/2023 05:09:20

This is a 9 page adventure, including front and back cover. Interior Art is quasi-absent. Dungeon map is minimal. There are a half dozen locations, all of them explained OSR style. There is a background section, a maze ecology section, and the usual pre play questions (for setting up darkness), along with a good bunch of new dangers and challenges. Everything else would be unnecessary and un-mazes-ly at best. The adventure conveys a sort od gloomy, desperate atmosphere. Just what I need to supercharge my imagination and give the players a good shock. One thing I'm doing is redrawing every room in my style, as a single sheet of paper, to give the players a visual aid as they go. Ok, this adventure will never win a special prize, but it does great at 1) teaching how to make a Mazes module 2) being short and self contained, with a sense of completeness 3) leave us wanting for more. For 4 eurobucks, it's also very honest.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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