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A Selection of Slimes, Odd Oozes for RPGs $7.00
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A Selection of Slimes, Odd Oozes for RPGs
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A Selection of Slimes, Odd Oozes for RPGs
Publisher: Philip Reed Games
by Badger B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 04/17/2024 21:44:35

Stats - 32 pages including outer pages, the rest is pure content.

11 slimes portrayed as 1 page art and 1 page flavour text.

The book has a great layout, really helps the text and the general reading of the project.

The art [1 page] Beautifully illustrated with a page of narrative flavour text.

Some mechanics but nothing that limits this source book to a particular system. The mechanics text is actually helpful in guiding you with a strong feel about the critters Armour Class [AC] and health [HP].

Nice 2d20 [39 entries] table of encounters to help you realise how you can use these critters.

The nicest part of this book and all Philip Reed's products is that there is no flannel text or waffle and they way that its presented makes it an easy book to dip in and out of in order to gain great inspiration.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Creator Reply:
What a fantastic review to wake to today. Thank you! I enjoyed this approach and would like to tackle a similar book for goblins (or maybe dragons) in the future.
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