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Player Character Compilation $1.99
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Player Character Compilation
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Player Character Compilation
Publisher: Free League Publishing
by Anthony [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/11/2024 01:51:25

Fantastic work. Thank you for contributing to the community by making quality supplements for Forbidden Lands!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Player Character Compilation
Publisher: Free League Publishing
by Chris T. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 07/25/2023 18:29:25

The artwork for the characters is top-notch, and very evocative. The character sheets themselves are well put together it appears. My only gripe is that the history on several of them don't make a lot of sense given the presence of the Blood Mist. For example, Stran the Mercenary is an adult, appears in his 20s. He left his village in pursuit of a more exciting life and became a mercenary, and guarded merchant caravans. This by itself isn't a bad thing, but the presence of the Blood Mist makes this difficult, as it hindered travel/trade. There are a few characters that have backgrounds that might have been affected by the Mist, but in the grand scheme of things it's not a big deal, as the GM can come up with the the details for each character on his own. Just a minor nitpick about some of the backgrounds.

This compilation is my go-to however for pre-gens, as they are nicely done and the artwork is really good in my opinion. Definitely worth the price to purchase!

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Creator Reply:
Hi Chris, thank you for your feedback! Initially I thought the same as you, making the character backgrounds I felt that something went wrong about all issue with the Blood Mist. But then I saw the Legends and Adventurers book, that is canon, and there the random backgrounds offers the ideas of adventurers with years that it is impossible that they do not coincide with the Mist. So I think that, somehow, travelers and the Mist can exist. In some way, the Mist only attacks people with roots with a home, so maybe a few travelers could continue moving through it. Check out my others complements and give me your opinion! :D Regards!
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