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EZD6 Book of Quests
by David [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/24/2024 09:59:01

Lots of great material to run fun quests with minimal prep. This is one of my favorite books I’ve purchased on drivethrurpg. I highly recommend it.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
EZD6 Book of Quests
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The Waking of Willowby Hall
Publisher: Questing Beast Games
by David S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 04/20/2023 08:06:11

This is a great (potentially) one-shot adventure. It's well laid out with great set pieces, NPC's, and a constantly growing level of danger that should make for an extremely memorable game. The writing is setup in such a way that prep level is minimal and easy to reference mid session.

SPOILER WARNING In this adventure, the PC's are actually the SECOND adventuring party to arrive at Willoughby Hall. The first group recently stole the goose that lays golden eggs from the giant that lives in the clouds. In his rage, the Giant has taken the magical church bell and is using it as a flail. Periodically, when the bell rings out, a cataclysmic curse drives the game closer to complete destruction. It's up to the players to avoid the gaze of the giant as he searches for the first group that stole his goose, meanwhile you have to deal with the castles denizens, ghosts, and other physical dangers.

This product is almost perfect. My complaint feels a little nitpicky, but I'd like to see a print version that allows you to print it out into the booklet form you see on the website here. This probably won't bother most readers, but it's something that I would have liked.

This is definitely in my top 5 favorite one-shot adventures, and an excellent product.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The Waking of Willowby Hall
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Into the Cess and Citadel
Publisher: Wet Ink Games
by David S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 04/20/2023 07:52:04

I absolutely love this book! It's one of the most evocative, beautiful, interesting to read RPG books that I've ever owned. Every page is jammed with so many interesting ideas, it's difficult to pick where to start using it. You can nearly pick any page, and nearly any paragraph and have something unique to center an entire game session.

It's worth noting that there tends to be a macabre cartoonish flavor to many of the pages/monsters/traps/diseases/locations, so this won't be a fit for every campaign. But what it does well is provide ton's of flavor, an amazing sense of danger and great exotic locales.

If you feel like your game needs something unique, fun and dangerous this is definitely worth a read.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Into the Cess and Citadel
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Avatar Legends: The Roleplaying Game
Publisher: Magpie Games
by David S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 04/20/2023 07:43:58

This game does an excellent job capturing the spirit of the TV show and the emotional weight and drama you see in episodes. The system also does an excellent job capturing the fast paced, constant motion you see in tv show, so you never feel like you're bogged down with moves that feel like you're slowly chopping down a tree.

However, combat encounters include 3 different forms of damage and knowing which moves to use to do the right kind of damage makes this a more complicated learning curve than what you normally see in other games. I originally purchased this game with the intent to run it with my kids (ages 8+), but I feel I'll need a few more years before the youngest is ready.

Other than that, the book is beautiful, the lore is well laid out, and many of the systems feel very unique and well fitting for the setting.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Avatar Legends: The Roleplaying Game
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EZD6 Core Rulebook
by David S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 04/20/2023 07:35:59

If your goal is a fast, incredibly entertaining, simple to understand system this would be my favorite system of all time.

This is the game that brough my rule-wearied spouse back to playing RPG's with the rest of my family, and it has been so fun. I highly recommend this book, and especially recommend getting it in print.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
EZD6 Core Rulebook
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Delta Green: Impossible Landscapes
Publisher: Arc Dream Publishing
by David S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 04/20/2023 07:33:18

This was probably the most interesting cerebral campaign book I've ever read. It's definitely one of (if not the best) horror campaign book I've found. My only complaint is that the complexity makes it very difficult to navigate and prepare to run.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Delta Green: Impossible Landscapes
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