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WBW-DC-IDL-03 Three For Free $3.99
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WBW-DC-IDL-03 Three For Free
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WBW-DC-IDL-03 Three For Free
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by han n. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/26/2023 17:11:36

Great story with absurdly overclocked final fight. This was a great followup to the Idlip 1 and 2 modules, and I really enjoyed running the first 3/4 of it, esp as it allowed for multiple approaches to every problem. My two problems were that it was a bit long (although the suggestions to cut content for time were very much appreciated) and that the final boss fight felt absurdly difficult, even for a party of the recommended level and composition. The balancing suggestions for a lower leveled party had the big bad (a CR 15 monster in its lair, with legendary actions, special lair events and 3 mooks) go at 12 in the initiative, and for the DM to run two DMPCs. Other fights in the same module had suggestions for swapping out enemies to suit player levels or other concessions, so I was very confused why the last one didn't. I would strongly recommend other dms take this into consideration before running the module, and I would love to see another balancing solution that didn't involve the DM running two high level NPC stat blocks as well as all the other stuff going on. It felt really overwhelming to hold onto all the threads, which was a little disappointing.

On a positive, the art and thematic stuff was on point!

[3 of 5 Stars!]
WBW-DC-IDL-03 Three For Free
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Paul C. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/25/2022 18:58:54

The third part in the Idlip trilogy and it really does justice to the narrative platforms set up in parts one and two. There is an excellent trail of suspicion to lead your players through from the first act right through to the final set piece encounter. You will not have time in a four hour session to present everything here to your players but that seems to be the prevailing thinking and I'm ok with it. Pick and choose the encounters that speak to you as a DM or that you think your players will dig. This is an excellent adventure and the trilogy itself overall is worth the investment.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
WBW-DC-IDL-03 Three For Free
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Elizabeth V. C. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/30/2022 07:12:57

I had some difficulty with this review, since the main difficulty DMs will have is that it is Just So Large. At 39 pages, this is an absolute unit of an adventure, with twelve possible scenes as a nursery-rhyme parasite targets a fey domain. Needs a bit of streamlining for a four-hour session, but would work well for two three-hour sessions. Nice art and maps.

Read lots more in my full review with more details at Dungeon Reviews, finding the best in D&D Community Content

[4 of 5 Stars!]
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