Witch Girl Adventures Rule Book (194 pges at DriveThruRPG) was designed for a magic school girl setting, or a Harry Potter setting. I used this as my RPG with a D & D setting. I did change some of the rules so that I could simplify the character sheets. I used the first adventure in the product Wyvern Songs (also at DriveThruRPG, 110 pages). To solo this, I used The Trials of a Young Wizard (48 pages, same place) with a yes/no/maybe oracle. I created four PCs, a male fighter, and a black cat for Ann the necromancer. This cat can look into your soul and know your deepest, darkest secret. He is hoping to learn how to speak so that he can blackmail his victims.
The adventure started when the mayor of Nanlet paid the PCs to investigate the problem at the lighthouse. Once inside they went up and then down. The first trap that they encountered gave the fighter a severe neck wound. As he was dying, Ann told him her plans for making him into a zombie (she is still first level though, so that is a problem). The first monster they encountered was a giant fire beetle. Kyla used her alteration magic to make it smaller. Anya, the mentalist, used her frying pan to smash the bug. They did have a problem with the insect swarm and the Skitterlord. They used oil to start a fire. It did kill the two pests, but it also destroyed the lighthouse (Oops!).
The PCs tried to disappear into the sunset, but they were intercepted by four older witches. “We know what you did. You did not complete the job. Four thieves escaped. Use this magical device to find them and then kill them.” The black cat looked into the eyes of the witches and was terrified. “The cost for destroying the lighthouse is this cat.” The ugliest witch scooped up the cat and put it in a bag. The PCs continued their journey and did survive the covered pit trap. Later they set up camp and slept for 90 minutes. They were attacked by five kobolds, my dice kicked me in the butt, and the PCs were captured by the kobolds (how embarrassing). Everyone then slept and in the morning the PCs were in charge of fixing breakfast. Anya did cook it, the PCs pretended to eat it, and the kobolds suffered from food poisoning. The PCs took the kobolds’ weapons, tied them up, and left them behind.
At dusk, the PCs watched as the thieves climbed up some ivy vines into the second story of a mansion. There was a party going on the ground floor. The PCs climbed up and the fight started. Three of the PCs went down, and Ann was captured. They were tied up and left up there on the second floor. A ginger cat came in wearing a necklace labeled, “Princess”. It watched them, waiting for them to give pets and compliments. Ann looked into its eyes and Ginger became Ann’s new pet. Ginger used its sharp claws and freed the PCs. They exited the mansion and spent the night in a farmer’s barn. They gave up on the idea of killing the thieves. At one time they had 542 gold pieces, but the thieves took all of their gold.
Give this a try!