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WBW-DC-MOM-02 One Chance $4.99
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WBW-DC-MOM-02 One Chance
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WBW-DC-MOM-02 One Chance
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Jason J. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 02/21/2024 04:02:55

Another masterpiece of a module. Any series that connects together like this is great, but anything involving time travel (to me) makes it even better. The story is brilliant, and how it connects to one of the most played stories was a moment (pun intended) of brilliance. I need to get other modules written by these writers.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Creator Reply:
Thank you for your wonderful review! (I do enjoy time shenanigans quite a bit - as is probably evidenced in the adventure I wrote after this (SJ-DC-FAUX-01) if you're interested.) Very glad if you had a good time running this! :D
WBW-DC-MOM-02 One Chance
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Paul C. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/02/2022 01:50:43

Masterfully designed and presented with superb emotional gravity, this sequel adventure picks up where its successor left off. Not for beginner DMs or novice players, and only run this as a sequel to One moment and only run if you give yourself sufficient time to prepare AND only run if you are running for mature and competent players. The silly wackiness of the Feywild trope is suspended for this complex and gripping story. I would have loved some kind of return or the antagonists kind shard from One moment as my party was invested in her and not in Fugit-made-whole. The wind up and down mechanics of time where fun to play with and our old mate Karaptis from WPM was great to bounce around with again. I will run this again but only sparingly and only for players that deserve and appreciate what it has to offer. A brushstroke short of a masterpeice.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Creator Reply:
Thank you for your very kind review! There was definitely the notion of trying to do justice by the lore that it interacts with, so hopefully we did accomplish that in some regard. :) Aha, we actually did a special one-shot (though unfortunately unpublished; this was during the Author-Only running permissible period) where Keraptis and Fugit are in the same timeline, and that adventure was called One Fight. As it turns out, I'm not sure they're that compatible... But yes, thank you very much for reviewing, and I'm glad if your party (and you!) had fun. :D
WBW-DC-MOM-02 One Chance
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Elizabeth V. C. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/30/2022 11:31:45

An ambitious and complex adventure set in a time-travelling fey domain, containing three sub-adventures. Playable, but the DM needs to give themselves time to read and prepare the adventure.

See full review with more details at Dungeon Reviews, finding the best in D&D Community Content

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Creator Reply:
Thanks for taking the time to review our DC. We are glad you appreciated the work put into the art, maps, and history. We wanted to provide all the tools and lore to bring the adventure to life, and we hope that DMs and players alike enjoy the experience.
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