Last week I soloed my way through Mage Camp (20 pages, free/pay what you want at DriveThruRPG). It is for several players and one game master. I rolled up four characters and Tina had the best numbers. To solo this I used the Plot Unfolding Machine (9 pages, free/pay what you want at the same place).
So, the adventure started right after breakfast. Aggie the NPC was out collecting mushrooms when she was taken. She tried to put up a fight and she did scream. My four PCs, armed with their wands, rushed to the scene and looked at the evidence. Tina took out her teacup and cast Teacup to Dog. She now had a West Highland White Terrier. The dog picked up Aggie’s scent and led the PCs to a manor. They went to the back of it and searched through the tool shed and the garden. They found one hand axe. They used it to break into a window at the back of the house. This room belonged to a servant and she did walk in on them once they were all in the room. A Bewitched Sleep was cast on her and she slumped down to the floor. They put her in the closet and braced it closed with a chair. In the hallway they ran into a skeleton that was walking around (yep, there is a necromancer somewhere in the building). Alex did take some damage, but it was turned into a teacup (a bone teacup – loot) by a spell. Next they checked out the library, but they were attacked by a three foot tall vengeful porcelain doll. Yes, she was turned into a teacup. Brian took some books. This room led to the study where they found Aggie tied up with rope (she was going to be fed to the spider later in the day). They untied her and Brian took the rope. They tried to make a quick escape back the way they had come from, but they had made too much noise. Now, they had to deal with a five foot long spider (necromancer’s pet) and the dog high-tailed it out of there. Alex tried to kill the spider, but it killed him and the hungry thing immediately started to suck him dry. The other three PCs and Aggie ran all the way back to camp.
Give this solo system a try.