This is a beta playtest so isnt complete
That being said, what is there is the best iteration of the FASERIP or MSH rules i have ever seen. It fixed up the three main problems with the system tha5 always bugged me
Problem #1 Character Generation : They added making heroes the Heroic way, which avoids complex points and random rolls and allows a good range of character type (my usual game test cases are a trained human, a flying brick and an elemental controller - think superman, Batman, and Magneto but at playable power levels) it did all my test cases nicel6 and made the: different enough to be interesting
Problem #2 : Combat. : Under the original rules Aunt May had 5hr same chance of shooting Spider Man as Shooting a street mugger. making attriibutes a resistance and turning the table into a relative intensity rather than absolute fix3d this in a single stroke
Problem #3 Karma: Old rules gave players a choice, be spectacular or be a character builder, while its kinda comic accurate, i much prefer the Heroic way o& a seperate advancemen tally
in short this has revitalisedthe ruleset and shall buy the full version when available