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Mazes Fantasy Roleplaying
Publisher: 9th Level Games
by Phil W. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/12/2022 14:48:26

PDF has no bookmarks making navigation annoying and is locked against users adding their own. No excuses for this. Will update review when this is fixed.

[1 of 5 Stars!]
Mazes Fantasy Roleplaying
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Creator Reply:
Hi Phil, thanks for letting us know about this! It's our first time publishing a full-length digital, so we appreciate the collaboration and generosity of our DTRPG community members in helping us make our products appealing and easy to use. We're working on adding bookmarks to MAZES right now. If you'd like us to reach out to you directly with the bookmarked PDF once we've created it, just send an email to and we'll get it to you ASAP.
Traveller Core Rulebook Update 2022
Publisher: Mongoose
by Phil W. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/12/2022 14:42:21

Generally decent layout and presentation of the Traveller system. Illustrations range from good to excellent.

The PDF has minimal bookmarking and is locked to keep users from adding their own bookmarks. When an updated version is provided that allows for adding my own bookmarks I'll update the review.

[2 of 5 Stars!]
Traveller Core Rulebook Update 2022
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Havenland Fantasy Map Icon/Symbol Set/Pack
Publisher: MonkeyBlood Design
by Phil W. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/28/2019 21:10:36

The included PNG symbols are very attractive and well done. There is a nice range of terrain features as well as a number of symbols for buildings and populated areas. This set includes 10 terrain textures plus 4 tiles for creating a hex grids. The farmland texture doesn't tile as nicely as it should producing odd patterns but it is usable as it is. The hex grid images when tiled produce a 130 pixel hex grid. Not sure why that size was chosen though it does make the point to point dimension close to 150 pixels.

The set is decently organized with folders for each symbol type (colour, white and outline) and includes PDF guides on using them in GIMP.

I have two issues with the set. The first is that the symbols overall are pretty small. A good number of them being less than 100 pixels wide. The other issue is that they are not in scale with each other. A single cottage symbol might be 130 pixels across and then a village symbol, with multiple cottages, is only 150 pixels. Would have been nice if they were as large as the symbols in their Myrklund set.

My first instinct was to go with a 3 star rating but they are so nice looking that I went with 4 stars.

2019-08-28 - Follow up. Picked up the excellent map creation program Wonderdraft and this symbol pack works quite well with it. The Havenland symbols are pretty much the right size for use with Wonderdraft which is a plus.

So my rating is now a solid 4 pushing towards a 5.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Havenland Fantasy Map Icon/Symbol Set/Pack
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Creator Reply:
Many thanks for taking the time to post a nice and constructive review, Phil. The Havenland set was the first set I created (back in early 2014), and I fully agree that the symbols would benefit from being larger. In hindsight, I would have made the symbols that way originally, but it's not something that is easily fixable at this stage. I did learn the lessons from that, and when creating the Narrasil and Myrklund sets, made them sufficiently large for most things. In terms of scale to each other, it's yet again, a fair point. I tend to create a symbol to suit a square box, and they vary in size within this. I use ArtRage 5 to draw maps using the symbols and its possible to scale them up or down a little to suit. As an example, the mountains could be at 100% but the trees at 50% say. It's definitely easier if you don't have to adjust scales on the fly though. Once again, many thanks for the feedback and 4 star review. Most kind of you. Take care, Glynn
Fantasy Token Set
Publisher: Loke BattleMats
by Phil W. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 02/15/2019 12:54:01

These are great images for populating your gaming maps with one fatal flaw. The 300 dpi images are in a Adobe proprietary TIFF format and can't be used in most applications. They are also not compressed TIFF. The creator tried to do a good thing by using TIFF with layers so that users would have the option of turning off shadows. Unfortunately that means loading them into Photoshop to convert them to transparent PNGs for use in most mapping/VTT applications. The TIFF files should be replaced by PNG files either with/without the shadows.

The 72 dpi versions are just a bit too low resolution but otherwise very good. This will be a 5 star product once this issue is addressed.

Updated 2/15/2019: Updated files in PNG format at 280 pixels/grid in shadowed and unshadowed versions are just the ticket. 5 stars.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Fantasy Token Set
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Creator Reply:
Hi Phil, Thanks for the feedback, much appreciated, I've added two new zip files, one with 280 DPI PNG files and another with 280 DPI PNG files with shadows removed. I've moved the 72 DPI as they were a bit on the small side. I've left the tiff's there but will update the description to make it clear they are Photoshop tiffs. Cheers
Map! Creek Camp (this title and its files have been removed by the publisher)
Publisher: DriveThruRPG's Archives
by Phil W. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/29/2018 12:37:36

The product consists of a single map with three variations and in several formats:

  • An 11 page PDF (including cover) with all of the map images inside sized to fit within the printable area of an 8-1/2 x 11 page
  • A zip file containing ten 100 DPI PNG files matching those in the PDF. These are referred to as Digital Friendly for virtual tabletop (VTT) use.
  • A second zip file containing the same images at 300 DPI which are described as Printer Friendly.

The map comes in three variations. Each in 3 grid styles (none, square, hex):

  • Terrain - no structures.
  • Encampment - Three teepees in the SW corner.
  • Forest Camp - Twenty teepees in several groups across the map.

A 10th image with no grid but all twenty teepees numbered is also supplied in the PDF as well as with the 100 & 300 DPI PNG files.

The map itself is fairly large in terms of the area it covers. On the versions with square grids, there are 47x61 full 5-foot squares or 235x305 feet. About half-again the area of a football field. The drawing style is clean and uncluttered with sufficient shading and texture to make the map interesting without being too busy. On the maps with grids, the artist has placed the grid on top of the grass and water but under the trees and cliffs. This gives it more depth and makes the grid less distracting.

No map scale is provided on the images themselves. The product description says the images with square grids are 5 feet/grid. A standard size among RPGs. Unfortunately, the hex grid is sized at 5 feet per hex side. This is contrary to normal hex usage in games where hexes are defined by the distance between faces which is also the distance from one hex center to another. This produced hexes that are an awkward 8.66 feet across or it would if the hexes were rendered correctly. However, the hex grids are stretched vertically and this is most likely from being drawn to fit inside of a square.

The 300 DPI images have a 54-pixel square grid which is actually a decent size for VTT use. Nowadays a lot of content for VTTs is being produced at 100 pixels/grid or higher but 54 is still very usable. Though described as Printer Friendly these are best used in in a VTT. If printed on an 8-1/2 x 11 page the map scale would be ~28 feet per inch. Not something you can use figures on. The one other issue with these 300 DPI images is the use of a screentone for the shadows. For the intended print use, these are fine but they look quite odd when used in a VTT.

The 100 DPI images are scaled down versions of the 300 DPI images and end up 18 pixels per 5 map feet. Very low resolution for VTT content and not really usable for a tactical map that you would move combatants on but could be used for illustrative purposes. Stick with the 300 DPI images for VTT use.

No documentation or product description comes with the product in the PDF or otherwise. A page in the PDF with the product description, a link to the artist's blog page and a copyright notice would be a good idea. It's a map so its general purpose is somewhat a given but the intended gaming use for the map isn't clear. As a single, printed, letter-sized sheet the map scale is too large to use with figures. For games played without figures or tactical maps, it may be fine. The 300 DPI PNG files will work fine in most VTTs that allow you to adjust the applications grid size to match that of the images.

While I quite like the style of the map, I am confused somewhat by the map scale choice. Is it meant to be used as a tactical map to play out an encounter or is it just an illustration? The 300 DPI PNG image will work well for me in my VTT program and that is how I will use it. The unusable hex grid is disappointing but worked around by using the built-in grid overlay of MapTool (or other VTT) or a correct grid could be added in a graphics program like GIMP.

Overall a decent and usable map but loses a couple points for the odd grid sizes, unusable hex grid and lack of polish as a product. As a Pay-What-You-Want product, it is a definite bargain which is why I give it 4 stars intead of 3.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Map! Creek Camp (this title and its files have been removed by the publisher)
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Creator Reply:
Wow Phil, thank you for that review and all the thoughtful suggestions! I've finished Map! Fief Bend with similar sizes. I'll certainly look into revising the scale for hexes and keep in mind the other suggestions, going forward. I really appreciate this review.
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