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One-Shot RPG System Rules: Dread Quest Fantasy Rules Pay What You Want
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One-Shot RPG System Rules: Dread Quest Fantasy Rules
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One-Shot RPG System Rules: Dread Quest Fantasy Rules
Publisher: One Shot RPG
by Bob V. G. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 07/18/2022 23:55:02

Recently, I soloed my way through OSRPG Fantasy: Rise of the Vampire (free/pay what you want at DriveThruRPG, 14 pages). It is an adventure for One-Shot RPG System Rules: Dread Quest Fantasy Rules (same place and price, 45 pages). For the solo engine, I used The FlexTale Solo Adventuring Toolkit (same place, 613 pages). For my PCs, I used a knight, a warrior, three wizards, and one undead.

So, they picked up their quest at an inn and a few hours later they were on the road and up against four bandits wanting money. The undead PC frightened them off with her frightening presence. The next day they arrived at the old castle and talked to Lord Greystone. He sent them out back to the cemetery. It was there that they had to deal with monsters and traps. The ghost of a wizard did give them some good advice. The vampire fight was awesome. They did kill it and gave the castle lord the news. He confessed his crime and asked for death. Angela the knight killed him just after giving Drexa a look. At this point, the PCs are supposed to return the horses to the inn, report in to the quest giver, and go pay the guild fee. They are in no hurry to do this. They are going to hangout at the castle and “manage” it for a while. Give this fun RPG a try!

Actually you could call Drexa a necromancer. She thought it was a secret, but I guess not . . . .

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Creator Reply:
Hi Bob. Thank you for the review. I just replied to another review where I said the worst part about writing adventures is never being there when they are played. So, thank you for giving me a glimpse of your adventure! Sounds like it was a fun adventure for Angela, Drexa, and the gang - I had to read the line about three wizards twice :). I never thought that the characters might keep the castle. That's brilliant. All the best, and I look forward to hearing about your next adventure! David
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