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Fear Can\'t Hurt You
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Fear Can't Hurt You
Publisher: Gildor Games
by Bob V. G. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/14/2023 14:52:16

Recently, I soloed my way through Fear Can’t Hurt You (21 pages, free) which is an adventure for Elemental RPG. This adventure is set in the year 1984. I did use the six characters that are in this adventure as my PCs. To solo this I used Monster From the Other Side with a yes/no/maybe oracle. All three products are available at DriveThruRPG. So, last year when I did my camp adventures, my PCs were campers. This time my PCs were adults who worked at the camp.

On the first day, my PC Zac the camp leader discovered a dead body in the woods during the day. That evening, he and his friends explored the same woods looking for the culprit. They discovered three campers who did not listen to their instructions and made a run for it. The PCs followed them to an abandoned mansion. It was here that it was revealed that the campers were actually aliens who were armed with knives. The PCs killed the aliens and gathered up the loot: three knives and a pair of rainbow earrings.

On the second day, the PCs looked for a camper who was acting weird (an alien). That night they took him to the shed, tied him up, questioned him, watched him turn into an alien. Fifteen minutes later, a crab vehicle, piloted by an alien, crashed through the wall and attacked. The vehicle and pilot were destroyed. The camper/alien escaped. The camp nurse PC Amanda drove the camp bus to go get help.

On the third day at dusk, Amanda and a FBI agent arrived in his car. Soon, the group is attacked by two crab vehicles. Zac is damaged again, the agent is killed, and the two vehicles and pilots are destroyed. At this point, all staff and campers are escorted to the mess hall for safety reasons. At midnight the Men In Black appear. They took control of the situation and the campers and staff are taken out of the area to a safe location. Give this a try!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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