A bit of a disappointing purchase, I think I expected more out of the first Neon Road adventure than what amounts to a new Area to explore that does little to expand the Neon Road experience. The Door/Move chart is improved from the ones in the main book, but the Room Chart seems to share the issue as the one in the main books where I'm not sure if it was inteded to be a flat chance for each entry or if the bell curve of 2d6 results was taken into account. I feel like with the enemies and boss you can start to see the thinking that led to the improvements in later Micro RPG products, but it's not quite there.
I struggled a bit on if I should rate this product lower, but at the price point a new set of charts and the boss testing and enemies with ranged attacks mechanics being included pushed me over to the realm of keeping it at "it's mediocre." I wouldn't really recommend this book overall, especially since the same or similar mechanics can be found in other Micro RPG books, but if you're looking for some new tables for inspiration then you might find what you're looking for here.