The game seems great, but has quite a few major flaws, and one of them is what seems like blatant plagiarism.
I'm going to point out the first one, and this is the one that peeves me the most - there are many bosses in this book that are ripped directly from the 5E Monster Manual. Is this legal, considering the fact that you charged money for this? Do the license holders of both intellectual properties know that you did this?
Artorias the Abysswalker, which is probably the most iconic boss fight in the entire Souls series to anybody that played the games, is a nearly identical rip of the 5E Erinyes.
- They both have 18 AC
- They have the same Attributes of 18 STR, 16 DEX, 18 CON, 14 INT, 14 WIS, and 18 CHA.
- They have the same Saving throws of Dex +7, Con +8, Wis +6, Cha +8
- They both have a truesight of 120 and a passive perception of 12
- The have the same Multiattack property of 3 Attacks.
- Their long sword attack is the same, with Artorias dealing the same
- The Abyss Sludge attack is the Erinyes Longbow attack but with shorter range. It has the same DC 14 CON save against being poison and the poison can still be removed by the "lesser restoration spell." This isn't a spell in the Dark Souls TTRPG! You actually copy-pasted the description of the attack and didn't even take the effort to change the spells name to Remedy?
- The Parry reaction is word for word the same, with only pronouns changed to reflect the fact that Artorias is a guy.
- Artorias has a Bloodied Wrath of the Abyss action which is the Erinyes' Hellish Weapon feature.
- They have the same Challenge Rating of 12.
There is more! Kalameet is just an Ancient Black Dragon. The Gaping Dragon is just an Ancient Bronze Dragon. The Hydra is an exact 1-to-1 rip of the Hydra from the Monster Manual. There are more examples, such as the Taurus Demon being a Balor Demon or the Mimic being a 1-to-1 rip. I'm astonished that this was allowed to be published like this.
The rest of the review to follow now.
This is mostly just D&D5E scaled up to drastic amounts of stats. Most classes get up to 4 or 5 attacks. Races are now Origins. The coolest concept is the Dark Souls resurrection feature. It's handled quite well in this game and I appreciate the thought that went into it. The system of Background, Memories, and Drives are concise and allow for some great role playing opportunities!
The Position system is... cool, but has some weird problems. Position is your HP. You can only spend Position on special effects once during your turn.
Every piece of armor, weapon, and shield have a special ability that cost Position.
You can increase the damage of your attacks with Position as well.
Spells cost Position to cast, which means that you are unable to do the other special effects that use Position during your turn, even if those special effects are considered reactions, which means casting spells is a very dangerous proposition...
The magic system is cool but I believe it needs a quick home brew to make it competitive and effective in comparison to just using melee or ranged attacks.
- Remove the base Position cost from all Spell-Casting
- Give Spell-Casting the ability to increase damage dice for Position Cost; maybe add a dice per each 3 Position you spend to a maximum of 9 Position?
- Give all Spells their number of casts from Dark Souls 1, or if you're lazy, add +3 casts to all Miracles and Pyro-mancy spells.
Dark Souls has a weapon upgrade system, but there doesn't seem to be one in this game. Maybe a mechanic where you can spend souls to give a weapon an extra dice of damage?
There's more but it has been said better by other people. Please, Steamforged Games - give some TLC to this game because you had an opportunity to make a wonderful TTRPG based on a beloved series of games and it just feels like you took some good mechanics that you half-implemented and didn't playtest it at all... put aside the fact that you guys ripped a bunch of stuff from the Monster Manual. Please come back and give us another update or a content drop.