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Dark Souls: The Roleplaying Game
Publisher: Steamforged Games Ltd
by Ian R. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 07/20/2022 16:26:23

A lot of people have been overly critical of this product by Steamforged games. It's a subtle and refeshing take on the DnD 5e system. It keeps enough that you can rely on your existing knowledge or the massive amount of recorded knowledge on how to play DnD 5e while adding just enough to give you something new and interesting to work with. You could criticize it for using too much from DnD 5e, but it takes a lot of work to adapt the 5e system to a world like Dark Souls. People pay for homebrew all the time on DM's Guild and that should extend to the significant amount of effort that the authors have put into this product. You could criticize it for the errors in its content. The authors have remained committed to fixing those errors and pushing out consistent updates to the PDF. I don't expect anything different from an Early Access game on Steam, and I'm not going to hold Steamforge to a higher standard. The question you need to ask is do you want to play a TTRPG set in the Dark Souls universe without having to do the work yourself? If yes, this is the book for you.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Dark Souls: The Roleplaying Game
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