What is Gangs of Titan City? Plutogia, the Titan City, is a massive hive-city a far future Sci-Fi setting remincent of 40k's Necromunda or Judge Dread's Mega-City One. Your players will play Gutters, members of an upstart gang vying for conrol of your corner of this impossibly vast city. You will fight rival gangs over territory and the assets they contain, managing your character's Desperation and your gang's Debt while trying to deal with the inevitable consequences of your illicit deeds. Ancient, arcane technology mixes with more mundane machinery on this corroding industrial behemoth. Gutters will use high tech guns, low tech melee weapons, pharma-serums, cybernetics and gene-mods to find whatever edge they can. Some will even use Psionics, if they can stay one step ahead of the Psi Squads that hunts them.
What Do You Get? Two PDFs, the GOTC Quickstart Rules (a third of the full book, specifically rules of play for the personal and orginizational scale) which is the primary focus of my review, and Gangs Playtest which provide the materials necessary to play a short campaign (pregenerated characters, rival factions, and city sectors to fight over). The full book will allow you to create your own PC gangs, procedurally generate city sectors, and fill your Titan City with rivals factions from a list of dozens.
What is the Game Like? The core dice mechanic uses 2d6 plus modifiers (1-6 Fails, 7-9 Partial Success, 10+ Full Success) in a player facing system (players roll all dice in conflicts, attacking and resisting). The bulk of the rules you'll see here are the tools the Narrator needs to run a campaign. These tools are needed becuase the game is largely Player directed. The Narrator places the world at the Players feet, and the Players roam their greedy eyes over the world picking targets and formulating grand plans. The Narrator will then keep track of the inevitable trouble this will cause, as everything the Players take belonged to someone else, and they will not be happy. They can ignore these problems or take them head on, make new contacts or burn old ones, play it safe or devil-may-care. The books says you play to find out; the campaign system mechanics will push your game forward in response to player choices. This isn't a game for auteur gamemasters to tell sweeping epics of their own design, rather its an ingenius machine for gamemasters to input player choices and churn out drama and consequences to great effect. This machine can be a lot for the Narrator to keep track of, so you'll be thankful for the core mechanics being as simple and player facing as they are. The players will feel empowered to make big choices, and the Narrator will have lots of tools at their desposal to make those choices have meaning.
Should I Get It? Absolutely. The grim dark world is evocative, the dice mechanics are intuitive, and the campaign mechanics are very robust. My players and I are extremely excited to see the full product. Check out the Kickstarter, as of writing this the full PDF is ready and will be released soon after funding is reached.