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Sandbox Creator $3.99
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Sandbox Creator
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Sandbox Creator
Publisher: Shieldice Studio
by Jeff [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/09/2024 23:39:27

So I put this into an excel spread sheet and with some work, got it to generate a 5x5 zone map. It's a nice little thing for a sandbox generator and the price is pretty reasonable. My biggest complaint is the way the locations are put together. I'd personally suggest a redo of that, I'd start with if the lands are tamed or wild. Locations for tamed could have things like farms, bridges, lumber mills, infamous crossroads and settlements. (I'd create a sub table for settlements with a random value for fortified or now. Also, I'd take out some of the things like a theater that would make less sense in a random location and put it in a table of rare locations.) I'd also change the inhabitants to reflect civilized races or monsters. (again with sub-tables.) monsters at 20% if the land is tamed or 80% if the land is wild. (civilized races would be the inverse then.) I'd also add a custom location table set for the player starting location (assuming that you're starting in a civilized location.)

making a 5x5, uses about half of all the descriptions for a sand box style. There is a part of me that would like to have more than that. It would be nice to be able to have some areas naturally coming up as connected, too, maybe.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Sandbox Creator
Publisher: Shieldice Studio
by Kelly S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 06/18/2023 11:12:45

It has all of the building blocks you need to flavor your biome with some color, flavor, and challenges to keep travel interesting and not a drab affair. It also has great little nuggets of GM wisdom to share that are universally applicable. A great succinct little package!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Sandbox Creator
Publisher: Shieldice Studio
by Nigel T. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/18/2022 18:38:36

For what it is, this is great... It's not going to build a world for you but it is a simple way to get some framework together; I can't speak to the story hooks aspects but a half hour with a deck of cards and some dice and a page of grid paper got me a wonderful intricate Corner-Of-A-World map. On that, something that added some realism to the map was: Working on a gridded page and with a coastline already defined: Upon drawing a card for an area, roll to call how many additional areas share that landscape. Then roll a d8 that many times, placing the landscape according to the compass directions called by the d8 (1=NE, 6=W, 4=S...). This way, there come to be larger areas with interesting shapes which later suggest the geology beneath and more. I got a great long gorge running from the mountains out to the coast.

Gratitude to the creator for his work! Though unless I'm mistaken, I think I paid a lot more than $4 for the kickstarter reward... but I probably got a bunch of other stuff too... Anyway, this is a great little helping tool and laughably definitely worth $4!

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Creator Reply:
Thank you so much for your review and support! Your ideas on using a defined coastline and a D8 for the compass are awesome! On the Kickstarter, this was a stretch goal in addition to the larger books
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