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Old-School Armory
Publisher: Grand Time Games
by Dominic M. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 07/18/2022 01:15:42

On an idle day, I decided to backl this as a Kickstarter. As a time-poor GM with time-poor players I'm always looking for ways to make character generation simpler, so this sounded like a good idea. It turned out to be more; much, much more!

The author has, for a very reasonable price, provided graduated, appropriately-scaled, character-driven lists of equipment for basically any OSR role you can think of. They've incorporated firearms too. They've also come up with a simple yet detailed inventory system for players that is more akin to computer game RPG-inventory systems for those who find that more intuitive. Plus there's a bonus adventure that is detailed, clever and huge!

Honestly, there are so many OSR accessories available out there, and I've bought plenty. But this is one that actually makes me want to run a game just so that I can give it a test drive! A genuinely useful and worthwhile product that does what it does really, really well, while also having heaps of bonus content. Five stars *****

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Old-School Armory
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Return to Apple Lane - Demo Scenario
Publisher: Chaosium
by Dominic M. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/20/2021 18:54:01

What a thrilling little adventure! Brought back such great memories of playing the RQ3 inspiration, which must have been thirty years ago now.

I really enjoy little scenarios that build upon or flesh out canon, which this scenario does in spades. The PCs are also an engaging mix, and fit well with the concept, thereby providing good opportunities for player banter.

It's always good to indulge in a bit of harmless nostalgia, but this is also a well-written, sensitive, and well-rounded scenario, that includes so much more than combat. The RQ system always offered a lot more flexibility than most of its competitors, and this scenario does an excellent job of guiding players away from using violence as a universal solution.

Highly recommended, especially for players new to Glorantha/RQ.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Return to Apple Lane - Demo Scenario
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