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Megadungeon Monster Manual $25.00
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Megadungeon Monster Manual
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Megadungeon Monster Manual
Publisher: OSR Publishing
by Norbert [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 06/20/2024 16:08:44

Ich sage es nur sehr ungerne, aber dieses Buch ist in meinen Augen eines der schlechtesten Monsterhandbücher, die ich bisher in der Hand hatte...

[1 of 5 Stars!]
Megadungeon Monster Manual
Publisher: OSR Publishing
by Ryan N. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 02/14/2023 20:49:07

Greg Gillespie hits the mark with the Megadungeon Monster Manual! The book is clearly a work of passion, an homage to the old school monster manuals of yesteryear - right down to its very look: A beautiful, eye-catching, evocative cover by Peter Mullen, a dark bluish back cover reminiscient of 1st Edition books, and yes, even an orange spine! And when one looks through the book, it conjures up that same old sense of adventure and wonder one felt when looking through their original 1st Edition Monster Manual. The book is a pure delight. It is filled with black and white illustrations only, expertly done in the Old School fashion. Each monster entry has a picture - no exceptions and no blanks.

As far as playability, it is designed to work easily with Old School gaming. I like Old School Essentials, and it will fit in hand-and-glove with that. It has an easy-to-reference stat block for each monster (Number Encountered, Alignment, Movement, AC, HD, Attacks, Damage, Save, Morale, Treasure, XP). While there is no summary for "special" monster abilities, these are easy enough to pick out of the monster descriptions, which are to-the-point and useful. Also, one need not own any of the Gillespie megadungeon products to find utility and satisfaction from this book - it works excellent as a standalone product if you're looking for an extra monster manual to supplement your game. You don't even have to know anything about Barrowmaze, etc.

I am very satisfied with my purchase of this book, and I want to let others know that it is a high quality product that I think is well worth the money for those interested in a monster manual that will be functional and provide a large dose of nostalgia.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Megadungeon Monster Manual
Publisher: OSR Publishing
by Kenneth S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 02/13/2023 20:46:16

Exactly what it says on the cover. You get all the monsters from Gillespie's four published megadungeons. This is super handy if you're running any of them, as monsters from earlier books often pop up in the later ones and he was limited by space and could not include them all. Plus, if you're doing your own dungeon, you've got a great selection of monsters here spanning roughly levels 1-10. Stats are the streamlined Labyrinth Lord variety, which makes this usable with any OSR D&D adjacent game. A picture is provided for every monster and they are in the style of the author's modules. So if you like AD&D black and white art, you'll dig this. Also includes the treasure type table in the back like the monster manuals of yore. Also, while many of the creatures herein have appeared in earlier editions of the game, plenty are brand new or modified so you'll be getting plenty of value even if, like me, you still own all your 1e stuff. Highly recommended if you play these older games or retroclones or like dungeon crawls.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Megadungeon Monster Manual
Publisher: OSR Publishing
by Vampire R. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/12/2023 19:04:58

These monsters are amazing and a must-have book for anyone, esoecially anyone running any of Greg Gillespie's Mega-Dungeon books like Barrowmaze, Highfell, Forbidden Caverns of Archai, and Dwarrowdeep

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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