This adventure is certainly has more than one interesting moment. Here were a few that I noted.
-- I can appreciate the designers' narrative flair throughout the adventure. As a convention DM, I hope to have brevity; however, if I'm running it under no time contraints, the exposition is less of a hindrance.
-- Right off the bat with compelling meta. I really enjoy the environmental effects the designer presents in the Call to Action: Momentum Complications Tablel! Imaginative and Well Done!
-- An hour long Call to Action (CTA). Yikes! I picture CTAs as a small part of the adventure. Your mileage may vary.
-- I like the apparent moment "jaunting" in this adventure. I don't want to spoil it but I like how the designer takes us into different moments subtlely and strongly infuenced by past D&D adventures. This is the major and dominant highlight of this adventure. I appreciate that the designer recognizes that this could be too many encounters for a session and provides a sidebars to help DMs navigate this to accomadate their session/event timing. Superbly Done!
-- I wish a more detailed description of Fugit, Momentum and Fey Crossing Information existed at the beginning of this adventure. However, it does exists in the Appendices for those that are not already familiar with the Domain of Momentum.
-- Lots of Story Rewards and Handouts.
I'm not a frills-centric person, so I don't have an opinion on the maps. I'm after narratives and meaningful meta. This designing duo does provide both. It is MORE THAN ENOUGH to provide your players an enjoyable D&D experience. This is an adventure worth having in your adventure libraries. My overall rating is based off of no noticeable plot holes, overall well-designed adventure, variety of challenges presented, that MAJOR Nod to D&D adventurers and personalities past and the modular encounters. I left that last star out there because I'd like to know what this design team does to one up this product!