This was a wonderful Easter treat for me and my party - although it would be perfect for any springtime setting or even pancake day! - I really needed something that was a pick up and run but that had enough in it to make a really fun adventure and this one shot was PERFECT on all accounts. I just glanced through it before the session and encountered no confusion or problems during the game. My players really had a wonderful time with this - we played in a mixed age family group from 7yrs to 70! - They adored all the puzzles and challenges around the egg hunt course and these were really well thought out to provide some sort of challenge to suit everyone so no one was kicking their heels feeling like a spare part, it was a really fast paced, fun and engaging session and everyone was in very high spirits by the end of it! This would be a perfect one shot if you're looking for something that's easy to run, huge amounts of fun for your players and fits a springtime game night theme. It's great for all ages and has something for everyone - a winner all round!