This advertises itself as being for World of Darkness, when it's actually for Chronicles of Darkness.
While I'm sure it's an awesome scenario, it isn't what I expected or intended to buy.
I'd rather not contribute to its star rating, since I can't rate it fairly, but I have to assign stars to review. So my 3 star rating is not based on any flaw in the product itself, but only on the borderline false advertising that caused me to buy it.
I struggled really hard between giving this game 4 or 5 stars. If I could give 4.5, I would.
This game is beautiful. The art is amazing. The hardcopy version has amazing design elements. Even the simple texture of the book is wonderful- I just want to pet it. The mechanics might be the most elegant that I've ever seen. There are just enough rules to play, just enough for the GM to run. Just enough to cover unexpected circumstances. Just enough, and not a scrap of bloat. As close to perfect as I've ever seen.
So why not 5 stars?
IT HAS NO $%^&ING INDEX!!!!!! To be fair, it does have a table of contents. And it has superscripted notes on where to find more information on specific items that make things easier. But this is entirely too meaty a book to not have an index. Players might be able to do without one, but not GMs.
I bought the hardcopy version of the book and hadn't planned to buy the pdf as well. Until I realized that doing 'Control-F' was the only way to really find what I needed.
This is an awesome entry to an amazing alternate time period for Changeling. This Player's Kit offers just enough to whet the appetite without overwhelming. STs will need the full Gimme Shelter title, but for players, this can be enough. (Players should get the full title as well, though- it's that good.)
The separate combat sheet makes this one of the best character sheets I've ever seen, and this product is worth the price for that by itself.
I'm not sure that I'd ever actually print out some of the player aids (like the masks), but they add to the flavor and style of the product even so.
This is an awesome addition to the Trinity Contiuum. I love the art, and especially love the sidebars. Fan creations like this are what's great about Vault/Nexus. It allows people to produce well-crafted deep dives into niche elements of the game that are unlikely to see much 'official' material.
Great bundle. Not quite complete, but still great. Bundle is missing the Faces of Death artbook. While it includes the Oblivion LARP book, it doesn't inlcude the 3 MET Journals that include vital Wraith LARP content. It does, however, include Ghost Towns, which was a pleasent surprise since it's technically a WtWW product.
10 out of 10, will recommend.
These cards are quite possibly the most useful thing to have come out of Storyteller's Vault so far.
They're well-executed, well-sized, and generally awesome. My players are going to love them! I printed them out onto heavy cardstock and anticipate much 'ooohing' and 'aaaahing'.
Thanks so much for making these!
(See also the Realms file and the main Arts file.)
These cards are quite possibly the most useful thing to have come out of Storyteller's Vault so far.
They're well-executed, well-sized, and generally awesome. My players are going to love them! I printed them out onto heavy cardstock and anticipate much 'ooohing' and 'aaaahing'.
Thanks so much for making these!
(See also the Arts file and the Infusion & Tale-Craft file.)
These cards are quite possibly the most useful thing to have come out of Storyteller's Vault so far.
They're well-executed, well-sized, and generally awesome. My players are going to love them! I printed them out onto heavy cardstock and anticipate much 'ooohing' and 'aaaahing'.
Thanks so much for making these!
(See also the Realms file and the Infusion & Tale-Craft file.)
A wonderful expansion of the Acrobatics skill! The 'Surfer' background is well-thought-out as well as well-written.
I particularly liked the Quick Grab & Pin the Blade feats. If they were available in PFS, Quick Grab would be on my list of 'things to get ASAP'.
The Surf feat is saved from being overpowered by the requirements to use it and the potential consequences of failure. Very well balanced!
This is a small booklet, but it's well laid out and well thought out. It's really only one new rule, but it's a good one.
I would be willing to use this rule option in a home game, though I may do a little alteration of which skills apply to which classes. This makes a nice alternative to a dip into multi-classing.
This is adorable, wild, and silly in all the best ways. I'm not sure that I'd want to make an entire campaign out of this, but as a one-shot (especially at a con), this would be fabulous. Also, I can't wait to drop some of the more interesting substances, etc into some of my other games- the players won't know what hit them! Catheter Vine-Bulbs???? OwOwOwOwPrettyOwOw...
This would be a five-star product if it had a little better spelling & grammar check. The 'almost right' words are a little distracting, but not too bad.
Excellent work, folks! And thanks for making it available!
This might be the single best $1.00 I ever spent. I'll be dropping some of these into my next game!