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The Dark Crystal Adventure Game $27.99
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The Dark Crystal Adventure Game
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The Dark Crystal Adventure Game
Publisher: River Horse Games
by Amanda [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/24/2024 02:21:58

I struggled really hard between giving this game 4 or 5 stars. If I could give 4.5, I would. This game is beautiful. The art is amazing. The hardcopy version has amazing design elements. Even the simple texture of the book is wonderful- I just want to pet it. The mechanics might be the most elegant that I've ever seen. There are just enough rules to play, just enough for the GM to run. Just enough to cover unexpected circumstances. Just enough, and not a scrap of bloat. As close to perfect as I've ever seen. So why not 5 stars? IT HAS NO $%^&ING INDEX!!!!!! To be fair, it does have a table of contents. And it has superscripted notes on where to find more information on specific items that make things easier. But this is entirely too meaty a book to not have an index. Players might be able to do without one, but not GMs. I bought the hardcopy version of the book and hadn't planned to buy the pdf as well. Until I realized that doing 'Control-F' was the only way to really find what I needed.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
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