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Legends of Avallen - Quickstart Guide (FREE PDF) $0.00
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Legends of Avallen - Quickstart Guide (FREE PDF)
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Legends of Avallen - Quickstart Guide (FREE PDF)
Publisher: Modiphius
by Bob V. G. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/08/2022 18:18:34

Recently, I soloed my way through Legends of Avallen – Quickstart Guide (43 pages, free at DriveThruRPG). This 52 card RPG system is described as a world Inspired by Celtic mythology in Roman Britain, Legends of Avallen is a roleplaying game that takes you to a mystical island occupied by faithless invaders. I used Paul Bimler’s Solo Adventure the Dungeon Oracle as the solo engine. Here are the highlights of the adventure which are included in the quickstart.

So, I started with the five characters that are included in the module. They picked up the quest from Branwen the village leader. She decided to travel with them (and this was a huge mistake). They travel with a cart and horse along with some supplies. Things start out quiet, but soon they deal with an obstacle, and a bit later, the horse suddenly freaks out. A ten meter tall giant appears and the PCs make a run for it. When it gets quiet, they slowly creep back and discover that there are no tracks or evidence of its presence. They figure out that it was an illusion. They search for the cart. When they find it they see that Branwen is dying. She uses her last words to give them directions and instructions. They feel bad about what happen and continue towards their destination (a cave). Next, they have to deal with five wolves. The PCs win, but they are damaged. They set up camp and tend to their wounds. The next day they reach the cave and explore it. They discover one mermaid who is very helpful with advice. She tells them that the mushrooms they have found will help them see through Fae illusions so that they can get to the Otherworld. When they get to the Overworld, they find a quest item (white rabbit which is actually a transformed NPC) and a bunch of Fae. They are willing to parley, but the PCs discover that they are in a hurry (almost time for a Wild Hunt). So, they experiment with which actions seem to distract the Fae. They are successful with, sleight of hand tricks and singing. Llys uses her own tactic which is a barrage of questions. The Fae never knew what hit them. Time passes and the Fae leave. The PCs now find the sealing stone, repair it, and put it back where it belongs in front of the cave.

So, the team did not get a perfect score, but hey, they did all survive. Maybe you will have better luck. Note – I did like the adventure. The last third of the game I started changing the RPG rules. The cards were getting on my nerves.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
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