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WBW-DC-GC14-04 Peace Talks $4.00
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WBW-DC-GC14-04 Peace Talks
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WBW-DC-GC14-04 Peace Talks
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by BRIAN B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/07/2022 12:39:51

This module is by far one of my favorite T1 feywild series.

The CTA is compelling: studying fey-lines and restoring the first forest THIS module in the series is a beautiful capstone: making a choice about the fate of the first forest while actively working with the Archfey of different domains to enable the unification or destroy the unity crown

I absolutely loved the players' reactions when they learned that the archfey that had all interacted with and grown to adore would fade from existence as they are reconstituted into a new entity.

I think this is a great series, and this specific module is a really inspirational finale for it. Well done!

The adventure structure is very nicely done

  • set the scene
  • go through mini-missions much like an epic
  • tally points
  • make a moral choice

10/10. Or in dmsguild's case, 5/5!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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